Chapter 4: Tales

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Lara's PoV

"What do you mean by demons?" I could see the shock in the girl's eyes.

"Like those stated in sacred scripts" I tried to explain but she didn't seem to be getting it. I think I need to explain from the start.

"I don't understand" I could see tears in her chocolate brown eyes.

"Calm down and listen" I took a sigh then continued.

"These woods are haunted. No one knows for sure how many creatures live out there but... they say the dead reside in those woods and some even believe that there are demons too" I stopped searching for words. Ellie listened to me attentively. Her mouth was slightly ajar.

"Uncanny" she whispered.

Neglecting the remark I continued.
"We stay out during the light hours but after the sun sets their time comes."

She lowered her head for a minute then looked at me again. "We were in the woods during midnight" her voice sounded sad with a slight hint of fear.

"Yes... maybe you enraged them."

"Do you think they wounded Zach too?" She murmured.


"Have they ever hurt anybody else?"

"Well yeah, whoever steps foot in their territory at the wrong time gets hurt... their are lots of stories."

"Like what?" She sounded curious.

"My father believed their are both good and evil out in those woods. During day, many have seen unfamiliar faces... people who disappeared into thin air... and even small fields in areas where no one lives. Strange voices are heard and even in this town itself we have seen people whom we have never encountered before and never see again." Though I said nothing but true, I still sounded peculiar to my own ears.

"Then why were you going to the woods earlier? She questioned.

"I took fruits for them. Everyone does, we take fruits and leave them near a trea, the next day when we go the basket is empty. Some people even have the courage to wait for them and ask them questions but... there are few who have survived that."

She seemed to be deep in thought for a while then she whispered "can you take me there"

That took me by surprise. I wasn't sure what she was up to but I got a feeling it was about her friends.

"If you wish so" I patted her shoulder.

"Ok... but I'd like to see Zach first."

"He should be awake now, let's go"

Ellie's PoV

Demons? Ghosts?

I couldn't process what she was saying.

In any other circumstances I'd never have believed but there is something off about this place. The silhouette that we saw in those woods and the thing that dragged Bella. Simon going missing and Zach appearing injured. I want to go check the woods out by myself.

When Lara and I entered the cottage Zach was asleep, his chest was rising and falling with a steady rythm.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Lara broke the silence.

"Well... it's complicated."

"Don't you like him" She raised an eyebrow.

"I mean... he's gorgeous but we've been friends since kids so I don't really feel it" I tried to explain.

"I understand" She nodded and smiled warmly.

"Talkin' 'bout me ladies" Zach was popped on his elbow grinning like an idiot.

"You're awake?" I arched a brow.

"Yes babe I woke up some solid 20 minutes ago" He smirked.

"Manners Zach, eavesdropping is a bad habbit" I rolled my eyes.

Lara laughed at us then stopped abruptly. "Weren't you gonna ask him about Simon" she said.

I had forgotten about the havoc I was stuck in the middle of. A knot started tightening in my chest.

Zach sat upright. I walked towards him and sat on the edge of the bed.

"What happened to him?" I asked him.

"Last night I woke up to the sound of someone opening the door, when I glanced around Simon wasn't on his bed. I followed him outside..." he stopped then continued.

"He walked towards the woods, I called after him but when he saw me he broke into a run. I ran after him but lost sight" He started whimpering and lowered his head.

"What happened next" Now I wanted to cry.

"I had a feeling he might go to the place where Bella was dragged so I ran that way..." he stopped again.

"Then what?" I was losing patience now.

"I want to talk to you alone" He held my hand.

Before I could say anything Lara spoke "I'll be outside, call me if you need anything" then she left.

"Ellina..." He looked at me.

"What is it?" I sobbed.

"It's the old man."

"What old man?"

"I ran to the place where we met him that night and heard whispers. I heard Simon's voice when I followed he was surrounded by people who had twisted faces and bodies. Someone stood in the middle, I think it was him. They saw me before I could get close enough" Zach replied with a grimace.

"Who are you talking about?" I couldn't keep my voice steady.

"John" He spit it like venom.

"What?" I yelled.

"I wasn't close enough to see his face but I swear it was his voice" he was breathing heavily now.

"Are you sure?" I didn't believe this. I couldn't. John was the one who guided us and gave us shelter, if he wanted us dead then he would've left us back then.

"Yes" he held me close now.

"I ran as fast as I could whatever it was, it chased me, unfortunately I tripped on something and it clawed at my leg then threw me at a tree that when my head got wounded, it started walking close to me but the sun rays fell on it and it disappeared grunting"

Zach had a sad look on his face. I really needed to go to the woods.

"You should rest" I smiled at him.

"Ok but I want you to stay near me" his eyes were pleading.

"Ok" I had no other choice so I laid beside him untill he fell asleep then sneaked out of the small cottage.

Lara was nowhere to be seen. I saw the man who was talking to John earlier and went to ask him.

"Oh daughter Lara, I think she went to calm your companion down" he told me.

Oh no.

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