Chapter 7: Haunt

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Ellie's PoV

Zach led us to Lara's cottage.

"We should stay here, I don't trust John" Zach's brows were furrowed.

"Are you sure it was him?" I questioned.

"It sounded like him" he shrugged.

Zach always carried this 'too cool for school' air around him and right now he was pouting like nothing's wrong.

"I wanna talk to Lara"

"She's busy with some old dude... he's dying" Zach spat the last words like they were venom.

"Where's Claire" I said changing the topic.

"Lara took her for help... she said it might divert her mind from Simon" he said not sounding really sure.

"Can you take me there" My eyes were pleading.

"But I wanted to sleep beside you" He protested.

"Come on Zach stop being a kid" I shoved past him aggressively.

"Okay fine get lost!" He yelled at me.

That took me by surprise. He never showed that type of attitude towards me. But I was too preoccupied for a long argument.

"Don't talk to me ever again!" I yelled back and stomped outdoors banging that door shut behind me.

Oh shit!

I wasn't a bit aware about where to find Lara and Claire. And I knew Zach wouldn't help me after what just happened between us.

The sky was dark. The chilly air made me shudder. I wrapped my arms around me and rubbed. There was no one around, lanterns were burning brightly hanging from the doors of cottages. I wasn't sure which way to go or whom to ask. Going back to Zach wasn't an option so I decided to head towards John's place. Though Zach had accused him of being the culprit I didn't believe him.

I knocked, nobody answered . I knocked again. Nothing. Maybe John was asleep, perched on a small wooden chair.

I opened the door. A lantern was burning on a small table. There was no one inside. I walked into the room I had stayed last night. It was dark. I heard a loud bang. My heart slammed against my chest. I ran out the room.

The lantern was still burning but it wasn't on table where I had seen it last time. It was hanging strangely in the air. I gulped. I could feel the temperature dropping. The front door was shut.

My eyes remained afixed on the lantern that hung still in the air. Nothing happened for a moment.

Something grabbed my ankle and pulled. I screamed. The grip was tight. Whatever it was pulled and then threw me. I collapsed against the wall oppositet o the door.

A hiss. The room went dark. Despite the chill I was sweating. Something clasped my shoulder. I let out a sream and the front door broke apart. Shards sprinkling on the floor. I saw the silhouette of a man.


He's here to help me, I thought to myself and smiled inwardly. I've never been so grateful to see him in my entire life. He came towards me, knelt down and spoke,

"Are you okay?" It wasn't Zach.

"Ash?" My eyes widened.

"I asked you a question" he said, his voice betrayed his usual coolness. He was clearly horrified and enraged.

"Yeah I'm fine" I murmured. I couldn't match his attitude.

He got up and picked the lantern which was lying on the floor. He lit it illuminating the small room then put it on a small table. Gripping my arm he helped me to a chair.

"Tell me what happened " he commanded.

I did. Skipping the part where I had an argument with my so called boyfriend.

He payed total attention, his full lips pinched to a line. When I was done he swore.

"Why are you here...I mean how did you find me?"  I asked curiously.

"I heard you screaming" he said flatly.

I didn't quite believe him.

"Do you live near?" I questioned.

"You ask too much" he adjusted himself in his chair and lay his back comfortably on the chair swinging his head backwards and raking his fingers through his shiny black hair.

"Why were you here?" He said.

"Looking for my friend" was all I could say.

"I can take you there" he said.

I wasn't sure he knew who I was taking about but I wasn't brave enough to question him.

"Thanks" was all I managed to say.

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