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The clock chimed 5:28 pm. 

Oh no!

My friends would be here in less than a minute and I still hadn't completed packing. 

I thought to myself and grabbed my knapsack which lay ideally on my bed.

This is gonna be a nice little trip with my friends and me. That I hope.


I had never been on a serious trip and I wasn't quite sure of what to make of it.

"Mom, I need you!" I shouted, as audibly as I could hoping she could hear me from the kitchen downstairs. 

"What is it, baby?" I turned around to see her standing by my doorway. I sighed in relief.

"I'm not sure what to pack" 

"You'll be back in a week so I guess a couple of clothes and undergarments plus an extra pair of sneakers and some snacks and money will do." 

"Can I take some snacks?" I asked. 

"As you wish sweetheart" Mom sighed. 

Ten minutes later, I heard a car's honk. Several more minutes later, Bella crashed into my room followed by Claire, Simon, and Zach. 

"I'm lowkey bursting with excitement!" She exclaimed. She had knotted her blonde hair into pigtails and her blue eyes glowed with sheer excitement. 

"Dude, we need to hurry, you don't want us to miss the bus do you?" Zach walked towards me, giving me a peck on my forehead and shoved some of my things inside my bag. 

I picked all the things mom suggested might be useful and kept them beside the bag while Zach pushed them inside the bag. 

When the packing was done we went downstairs and said our goodbyes to my parents.

"I love you" I murmured against my mum's neck. My dad kissed my forehead.

"Love you more, take care of yourself, sweetheart." She replied.

We hopped in the back of Simon's dad's truck. He had the day off, so he had agreed to take us to the bus stop. 

"Fifteenth Avenue right?" He asked. 

"Yes!" We all screamed, hyped. 

"Baby, you haven't put on mascara," Simon said to his girlfriend, Claire, bemused. 

"Oops, I forgot." Claire let out a laugh. 

She quickly shoved a tiny mirror and mascara out of her bag and applied some.

"You want some?" She glanced towards me and I shrugged in disapproval.

"Sure!" Zach beamed and snatched it from her hand and started brushing it over my long and thick eyelashes. 

"You're so pretty baby" He complimented in his usual manner.

"Get a room, you two!" Bella shouted and we all broke into a laugh. 

The whole journey was spent laughing till we finally reached the bus stop. 

We rushed out of the truck. After what seemed like a horrible long ten minutes the bus finally arrived. 

We hopped in and noticed how cramped the bus was of passengers, the only empty space was at the back. 

We took our seats and after some moments Zach was asleep on my shoulder, I smiled, laying my head over his.

When I woke up it was dark outside and the once cozy bus was almost empty except for a few other passengers. My friends were chomping on my homemade chocolate cookies.

Zach had woken up, he had a mouth full of cookies.

"Eat up!" He pushed a whole cookie in my mouth and grinned as I chomped on it savagely. 

"Next stop's ours!" Simon cheered. 

"Urgh finally." Claire sighed. 

The bus came to an abrupt halt and we got outside. 

The darkness outside gave me the creeps.

"Now what?" I asked desperately. 

"Now we walk on foot for the next few minutes."

"Huh! Simon you're spooky village is making me sick already," Claire said, a hint of annoyance was audible in her voice.

"Can't we get a cab or something? " Bella asked, irritated. 

"No way!"

I gritted my teeth in annoyance.

It's been ten minutes since we started walking. The road went straight for the first five minutes and then we took a turn which led straight to woods that only worsened the chills. 

We were surrounded by woods from all four sides. I wondered if Simon remembered where he was taking us to.

Last week, he popped out of the blue suggesting we should go for a trip to some unearthly town. He bragged about how out of earth the place looked and the residents reported sightings of peculiar beings. 

"There, that's where the east and west woods are parted by a river, we'll have to row with the river for two miles," Simon explained. 

We stared at where Simon pointed at and I gulped in the spit that clung to my throat. The forest seemed less dense, but we kept walking anyway and within minutes the forely had ended and we reached an embankment. 

"Ok! So tonight we're gonna camp here!" He announced.

"What!" We exclaimed altogether.

Simon looked taken aback. 

"Chill out y'all, I was kidding" he muttered and then laughed.

He checked his wristwatch then continued walking."The boat should arrive in a few minutes." 

"Are you sure?" I raised a brow.

"Yup, I booked a boat for us online," he confirmed.

"Boats can be booked online?" Zach asked and right at the moment, Claire pointed at someone who in the twilight appeared to be a man rowing a boat.

"Isn't it obvious?" Simon smirked. 

The boat came to an abrupt halt in front of us and the person to whom it belonged seemed to be in his early fifties, he had a stupid grin plastered to his face. 

"Hop in kids!" He said trying to be as nice as possible. 

We sat in the boat and continued the so-called journey which seemed more like a voyage to me.

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