Chapter 25

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Decided to finally post a chapter today, since it's Luca's birthday! Happy birthday Luca!
I made a cake today 💖
I have more chapters ready, and this one has been sitting there for a while, so I decided to post it on his birthday, still sorry that I have been gone for a while~
BUT FEAR NOT, my dears, the next chapters are almost ready to be posted, I just need to check of everything's okay with them!

(Also Im a boy, plz stop saying that Im a girl~)
That's all! Enjoy.


You slowly opened your eyes as the brightness of the day blinded you.

"Wake up... Y/N!"

Your eyes then focused on what was in front of you.
Your friend Luca!

"Wakey wakey, dummy." Luca played with you.

"Huh..?" you rubbed your eyes "Did I fall asleep?!".

"Of course not. You died and I did my magic to resurrect you because I'm amazing." a sarcastic tone coming from his mouth. He then laughed kindly.

"Very funny." you then noticed Victor, a few steps ahead of you.

"Victor! Are you okay?" you stood up.

The Postman nodded, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks.
He shyly took your hand.

You then heard a quiet voice "Thank you... Y/N!".
He smiled!

"No need to be so shy around them, Vic! Y/N's very cool and kind like you!" Luca laughed.

"You're welcome, Victor! You don't have to thank me though! I'm here to help!".

Wick licked your ankle, in a form of affection.

"You can talk more with Y/N after our match, ok Vic? We're already late because someone wouldn't wake up~" Luca taunted.
Victor nodded and smiled. You two did so back.
Luca then took your hand and walked with you to the pre-match room, in a rush.


"About time, you two!" Emily smiled as she saw you and Luca walking in.
"Sorry, Y/N's a sleepy head.".
"I am." you admited.

You sat down, next to Luca and Emily. Pierson was on the other chair, pretending like he wasn't looking at you.

You waved, in attempt to get on his friendly side, yet it was no use. He still pretended, very badly, like he didn't see you.

'Hmm... this match will be hard' that was your gut.

And so the match started, as soon as Ann walked in.
She was tall, with a... long neck. And a cat on her shoulder! She was dressed as a nun.
'What's a nun doing in this type of game...' you wondered. But soon you decided to not make any more questions on that matter, after all, nothing here made sense.


"Lets see... a cipher, a cipher... gotcha!" you mumbled as you ran around, searching for a cipher.

You quickly got to work.
Meanwhile, Luca connected his cipher to someone else's.

"The hunter is near me!" Emily comunicated.

The map this time was the White Sand Street Asylum. It was your first time there, that being the reason why it took you some time to find a cipher!

You were in a small courtyard, near a room with hospital beds! This map was somewhat unsettling. It looked like it had a big story behind it... you decided to not think about it, so you could focus on the machine right in front of you.

Emily was doing great so far! She had been hit yet she managed to heal herself quickly and continue her kitting!

Luca finished the cipher he was connected to. You deducted that Pierson was there.
Seconds later, you finished your own cipher.
You then entered the room with the hospital beds, which led to a corridor. From there you could go to a bigger courtyard, probably the main courtyard, which had a fountain and some pallets, but no cipher. You crossed the courtyard to the cafeteria, but as soon as you got there you ran back to where you came from. Emily was there with Ann. And, even though you saw it in a rush, it looked like Luca was also there. Did they notice you?

Back to the corridor, you ran to a room that looked like a reception!
There was a cipher there, luckily. And there were two ciphers remaining. If Emily and Luca were busy containing the hunter and you were decoding this cipher, than maybe Pierson was decoding the other one! This match was going well so far!

And that's when you noticed Kreacher Pierson, kneeled by a red box, searching for something inside it, right there, on the reception.

"Oh... hello, Mr. Pierson." you said, hesitantly.

He raised his head. Not a single word coming from his mouth.

"..." you didn't say anything.

He stood up, still looking at you.
"Uhm... d-did I do anything...?" you asked, stopping decoding.

"You were not nice. Pierson just wanted to help." he said, very seriously while walking over to you at a very unsettling pace.

"I'm so sorry... Mr. Pierson.. I just didn't want to be a bother.." you stepped back as he was just a step away from you now.

You felt the reception's table right on your back. You couldn't walk back any further then that.

Pierson grabbed your wrist, furiously.
You pushed him away from you "Back away!".

"That's not nice!" Pierson pulled you by your shirt, immediately letting go of it as you slapped him the face.
"Please back away!" you screamed. You were not going to tolerate his behaviour. You could fight back too, it's not like you were just going to let him abuse you like that.
For the second time, Pierson raised his hand, ready to punch you.
But the hit never came.

"Do not touch them."

Luca was grabbing his wrist firmly. It didn't move an inch.

"You heard them, back the f*ck away."

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