Chapter 9

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As you stepped inside the mansion, with Eli, Martha and Norton, you all went to the main room: the dining room (it was actually the place where the survivors would hang out, since it had a large table with a big amount of seats and some sofas; plus, you could easily get snacks and go to the garden from there!).

Entering the room, you saw all the survivors there, finishing their meal and chatting with each other.
They all looked at you, with dirty clothes because of the match you just had and waved, smiled, ...

"Did you guys win?" asked Jose Baden (the First Officer).
"Yes!" replied Martha "It was a rather easy match against Luchino. I'm sure you understand why."
They all looked at you, making you a little anxious, stepping back.
Eli and Norton noticed you were nervous because of the stares.
"But (Y/N) still did a very good job!" said Eli.
"Indeed." Martha smiled.
"Yeah! They were pretty good at kitting!" Norton encouraged.
You got flustered from all those compliments.

"Have you all ate yet?" Servais Le Roy (the Magician) asked.
"Yes. We ate before the match because we didn't knew if it would be long or if something else would happen!" Martha smiled, directing you to the long table and sitting you on a chair. She was almost like a mother, how cute!
Norton and Eli followed the example.


You all chatted and played card games with each others for about 45 minutes, before some started to go to their rooms or do their own stuff.

You, Emily, Emma, Mike and Norton all went to the garden to see the beautiful flowers!
"What's your favourite flower, (Y/N)?" Emma asked, excited.
You thought for some seconds "Hmm... I really think f/f (favourite flowers) are beautiful!"

"They're beautiful indeed!" Emma ran far from the group, coming back a minute later with a beautiful f/f in her hand.
"For you!" she put the flower behind your ear.
"Thank you so much, Emma! That's so kind!" you made a big smile.
The gardener hugged you, caughting you off guard.
"I'm glad you like it!" she said.
"I do!" you smiled back "Thank you."

"It really suits you!" Mike said from behind, smiling as well.
"T-Thank you!" you didn't really know what else to say... so many compliments!

You met these people two days ago and you already feel like you're the best of friends... it really feels good to have great company.


You all walked in the garden and some time after that, you went back in to the mansion.
Mike accompanied you to your room and went to his own.
You changed into some clean clothes, since the ones you had before were starting to stink.
You sighed "Am I really changing three times a day--" you then laughed.. then stopped...
This is such a weird place.

Gotting out of your room, you saw Luca getting out of his, from far away.
He also noticed you, and started to walk on your direction.
"Hey (Y/N), you okay?"
"Y-Yes! How about you, Luca?"
"As fine as I can be." he sighed.
He didn't seem really fine...
"Are you okay?" you asked, worried.
He looked at you for a moment.
"Yeah, it's fine." he smiled.
"Oh okay then... Are you coming tonight? To the game night thingy?" you then asked curiosly.
"...are you going?" he asked.
"Yes! So far, I know Mike and Eli are also coming."
"I'll go as well!" Luca said firmly.
"O-Okay! Have you finished your repairments yet?" you questioned him.
"Uhh.. I don't think so. Why?"
"You could come hang out with me and Mike!"
"Oh.. I don't know.."
Mike finally got out of his room.
"Sorry it took me long, (Y/N)! Oh! Luca!"
"Hello, Morton..." the Prisioner said quietly.
"Mike! Don't worry, there's no rush!" you told him smiling.
It was quiet for some seconds... which felt like hours.

"Uhm... I completely forgot!" Mike broke the ice "I promised I would hang out with.. uhhhh.. Norton! Yes, Norton!"
"Oh! O-Okay then." you thought he was acting weird...
"I'll see you guys later!" he made little jumps out of there, leaving you and Luca alone.

A deadly silence again...
"So..." Luca smirked "Just the two of us again, huh?"
You laughed "I guess."
"May I ask you a quick question?" he looked away.
"O-Of course!" you replied, with a curious sparkle in your eyes.
"Do you.. like Morton?"
"W-What?" you stepped back.
"Do you like Mike?" he asked again, still looking away.
"N-No! I only met him like two days ago!"
"... still, we never know, time wouldn't be a problem." he looked down.
"Why do you ask?!"
"I was curious, just that." Luca looked at you.
"O-Okay!" you blushed and he blushed as well.

'Take me out of here' you prayed to yourself.

"Sorry for this stupid question." he then said "Do you want to come to my room while we aren't called for any match?"
"I... okay, sure." you accepted his invite.

You walked in his room to see the same messy floor you had seen at night.
"Sorry." he laughed.
You tried to be careful while walking in, trying not to step on anything.
"You can sit there!" he pointed to his bed, which was surprisingly made.
"No, it's okay!" you sat on the ground, looking at all the engines and metalic pieces you had no idea what were for.
"You had trouble sleeping, right?" Luca asked, making his iconic convinced smirk.
"Yes...?" you were confused.
"Don't fear, dear (Y/N)! The one and only Luca Balsa will help you!"
You laughed at his figure.
He then handed you a small gadget.
"What is this, Mr. Unique?"
"Uhh I like that nickname. You may now call me that."
You both laughed.
"Let me show you." he said, smirking again.
He stood up and closed the curtains of his dorm, making the room pitch black.
You then felt his gloved hand grab the small gadget from your hands, turning it on.

It was beautiful. The ceiling of his room was filled with little stars, that were coming from the engine.

(You know those presence lights that make forms and stuff so the children won't be scared of the dark)

You were amazed "You made this for me?!"
"I sure did!" he laughed "Now you won't be scared, right?"
You started crying and he laughed even more.
"Why are you laughing?!" you said, between sobs.
"You're such a little baby!" he grabbed his stomach.
"It's not funny!" you laughed, while still crying "This is so cute! Thank you so much, Luca!"
"I'm a genius, aren't I?" he laughed.
"Of course, of course, you brat. I really like it! This means a lot!"
He then handed you the presence light and opened the curtains.
"I'm glad you liked it. It was a pleasure to make it for you!"

You were wiping of your tears when you heard a nock on the boy's door.
"Luca? You have a match in ten minutes. And if you see (Y/N) tell them they're coming as well!"
It was Vera's voice.

As you both heard her walk away, Luca looked at you and laughed his as* off.
'Jeez, he can't control himself'
You started to laugh a lot as well, because of his funny laugh.

"C'mon lets go!" he finally said, after calming down "Looks like we're together again!"
"Yeah! Let's win this!" you jumped, cheerfully, almost landing on one of his engines "Woah-"

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