Chapter 4

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You were now in the actual game.
Somehow, you were transported to the map... the Moonlight River Park. It was some sort of a circus... looked like a fun place...

As a bell rang, marking the start of the match, you looked around, looking for the Prisioner, who you promised to be with.

You walked around for 2 minutes, luckily not encountering the hunter, and you heard a whisper coming from inside a circus tent.
"Hey! Y/N!"
You looked back to find Luca already decoding a cipher machine, so you quickly ran inside the tent.

"You found me quickly! I hope you're not too scared, besides, you're over the watch of the best player around heheh!"
"Y-yes! Of course! So uhm... how do you do this decoding thing..?"
He began explaining you how the cipher machines worked and all his abilities with the connections he could do to send some decoding progress to other ciphers in the match. Not gonna lie, you were impressed. But he was too... provocative, you didn't feel confortable around him like you did with others.
As you finished the cipher together, he told you to go separate ways, to cover more area and finish the ciphers quickly! And so you did!

Already in another cipher, you heard a familiar voice from a communicator you had been given before the match, to talk to your teammates, when necessary.
"Guys, I've been kitting Jack all this time, but he lost me now, beware!"
It was Mike... he had been kitting Jack... The Ripper for about 6 minutes... everyone here is so impressive...

"Thank you!" you responded.

You focused again on decoding the cipher in front of you "Luca said he'd connect this cipher to his... it's taking a while... I'll just keep going." you thought.

Two minutes had passed, and you were already at the middle of the cipher's process! Luca's tips had been actually useful after all! You were starting to get the hang of the decoding stuff!
But suddenly, you heard someone else talking through the communicator... no... you could hear the voice both from the communicator and from behind you! Your heart started to beat louder and emanating a weird purple light!
"The hunter is near me!"

You heard a pallet drop, and a hand grabed your wrist and pulled you into a closet.

In seconds, you were now inside a closet... a locker, with no other then Luca Balsa, who was grabbing your waist in a very... uncomfortable way.
He placed one of his hands on your mouth to keep it shut.
"He'll hear us!" he whisper-yelled at you.
You didn't care if the Hunter heard you at this point. You tried to get of his arms but you both fell back against the locker wall, your hands pressing against his chest, preventing him to fall over you "Ouch!" You reached a hand back to rub the back of your head. He had taken things too far.
"Shit!" he said.
"GET OFF ME!" you whisper-yelled at him.

As he said this, the locker doors opened, both of your hearts beating. Yours and Luca's eyes were wide open in shock as the both of you stared at the Ripper, who stared back at you two.

It was silent for a few seconds before he reached his hand to his face, rubbing his forehead.
"There's a time and place for everything, you two. A locker in the middle of a match isn't ideal." He pulled you and Luca out of the locker.

He swiftly tied balloons to Luca and signed you to go on "Go on, my dear. Mr. Balsa and I need to have a small talk."

You didn't even know what to say...

"NO WE DON'T. PUT ME DOWN!" Luca started to struggle and flail around. You could only stand there looking shocked as you watched Jack walk away with Luca.

You were still mad at Luca, but you reached for your communicator and said "G-Guys?! Jack's got Luca!"
You heard a sigh coming from the small object, it was Martha "I figured... Focus on decoding, I'll save him!"

You thanked Martha for the help and continued the cipher you were decoding before this all happened.


The game had finished, and luckily no one lost! It was a flawless win! You didn't talk to Luca at all after the match, going straight to Emily so she could help you with the treatments you needed, since you got hurt.

"I heard something happened between you and Mr. Balsa in the match.. do you want to talk about that?" she asked carefully while gently putting some bandages on your left leg.
"I'd prefer not to." you firmly said.
Emily didn't touch the matter after that, going to the kitchen with you to get some snacks.
You didn't have any other match the rest of the day, so you spent it with Mike, Emily and Emma, while they were free or in your room, thinking about all this "game with no objective" thing...
And before you noticed it, it was already nighttime.

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