Chapter 14

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You got back in the building, vaulted the window and fell on the ground as the Black Guard rang his bell.
He vaulted the window again while you got back up.

Spraying the perfume, getting hit and going back to your previous position, you saved yourself from another close call.

Luca vaulted right after Fan and smiled at your good work. He then ran after you, protecting you from Wu Chang.

The White Guard then appeared along with a weird green smoke.
You were right in front of a window and so you tried to vault it, but your legs wouldn't let you.

"W-What's happening?!" you turned around and almost got hit by the Xie.
Then another, then another...
Near a pallet, you couldn't drop it.

"Why can't I move?! Luca!" you yelled-cried "Where are you?!".
You were desperate, dizzy... you didn't have the energy to touch anything and you couldn't see anything but the enormous amount of White Guard clones...
"Luca!" you cried as you got hit once.
That's when you're senses got back to normal. Luca was right on your left and grabbed your hand.

"It's okay, I'm here. Xie doesn't have your soul anymore." he pulled you back and downed a pallet.

You were in confusion and very frightened.
"Alright, let's keep goin-" Luca said, as something pulled you off his grip.

Kevin's lasso pulled you to his arms. He carried you on his shoulder as you struggled and put you on the ground so Wu Chang could hit you once more (and he did ouch).

"That's a dirty move, Kevin." Mike jumped in the absolute chaos that was going on.
He ran after you, preventing you from get hit by the Hunter.

"Pardon me, Y/N." Kevin yelled.

Well, he was just doing his job.

You got in the Church with Mike and Luca behind you.

You couldn't even talk in the middle of your desperation.

"Calm down, Y/N! I'm here!" Luca said.
"And I'm here as well!" Mike interrupted.

Again, you didn't answer, running as fast as you could, to a window.

Before you reached it, Mike picked you up and jumped with you.
"WHA-" you screamed.
Luca got hit, to prevent you two to fall. He basically saved you two.
He was now on the ground.

[Meanwhile, Robbie had hit Vera twice.]

"Luca!" you yelled, preoccupied.
"He's fine! Now let's work together, just the two of us, Y/N!" Mike said.
"A-Alright." you answered.

You two managed to get off Wu Chang's sight, but Kevin was right behind you.
"The enemy's King is nearby!" he said through his communicator and grabbing his lasso.

You hid behind a wall while Mike covered you from Kevin's aim.
"Run! Run!" he yelled.

Vera got downed.
Kevin sighed and ran to where Vera, Emily and Robbie were, to help with the rescue.

You grabbed your communicator and said, breathing heavily "Well done, Robbie!".

Just like some time ago, Wu Chang's umbrella appeared, meaning that they'd teleport there.

"OH HELL NO, NOT THIS TIME." you activated Naib's elbowpads, quickly took some impulse on a wall and got projected out of there.
"WELL DONE!" Mike yelled from far, still with Wu Chang.
Luca was back up again.

You ran, to behind a pallet.
It was the Black Guard, aka Fan, pursuing on that moment.

[Robbie was able to put Vera on a chair after Emily failed her attempt to shoot him with a Flare Gun and Kevin didn't get there on time].

You kitted Wu Chang for about 20 seconds and he finally downed you.
"Dammit!" you cussed.
"It's okay, N/N! I'm here to save you-" Mike yelled, running towards you, but he was interrupted and pushed away by Luca, sprinting in your direction.
"Out of my way." he said as he passed by Mike, almost making him fall.

[Wu Chang had brought Peepers to this game, luckily not Excitement.]

As The Black Guard picked you up and tied you to some balloons, Luca released his electricity and caught you as you fell.
Unfortunately, the shock didn't last more then 1 second and Fan was able to hit Luca, making you two fall on the ground.

Mike jumped in the confusion and helped you get up, leaving Luca behind once more.
"Keep running, keep ru-".

Kevin was back (guess what he did).

And again, the enemy's Knight was able to hit you.

He also hit Mike, while you were on the ground, so no one could rescue you from the chair.

He picked you up and placed you on a rocket chair.

"THE DOORS WILL OPEN IN ONE MINUTE" a voice echoed through the map.
Ok, so your teammates had one minute to rescue you and then you had to manage to get to the door without getting downed... you were pretty much screwed.

20 seconds passed, Luca was back up again.
He mindgamed the hunter into hitting your chair, and then rescued you.

"ARE YOU OKAY, Y/N?" Luca asked, as you two ran on the door's direction.
"YES! More importantly, are YOU okay?!" you asked back, worried about him and thankful that he never left you behind.
"You know I'm always fine, that doesn't matter!" he looked back "He's getting closer, don't stop running!".

You looked around and saw a pallet. It wasn't the strongest place to kite but you two could do it.
You grabbed Luca's hand and ran towards it. (Placed near an exit door).

Vera was downed!
Mike was back up!

And both you and Luca were running away from Wu Chang.

20 seconds for the door to open.

"We can do this!" Mike said as he threw a bomb at the hunter, while you vaulted a window.

Now that Vera was incapacitated and about to get chaired, you'd have time to pass through the door before her!

Luca handed you a magic wand (Servais' item). "Escape when you're invisible." he whispered in your ear.
"Aye captain." you whispered back, smiling.
You both giggled.
The doors opened, and Emily rescued Vera.

You flicked the magic wand and ran to the door, leaving an illusion of your image behind.
As Wu hit the illusion, you were already past the doors, running away.

"YES!" you jumped happily.
Mike ran to you, with a big smile and hugged and jumped with you.
Luca also passed the doors, walking, and smiled at your happy face.

You ran to him and hugged him, caughting him off guard.
"Thank you, Luca! You're so so kind and you always protect me.".
He hugged you back, tearing up (you didn't notice it).
"Thank you" he said in a week voice, almost crying.
He tightened you even more, embraced on that moment of affection.

Mike just stared at you two from behind...

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