Chapter 11

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You opened your eyes, in pain.
You were laying on the ground, with a dismantled rocket chair also laying on your side.
You tilted your head up, still dizzy, and then you slowly got up. As you did this, you started to hear a scream coming closer and closer.
It was Aesop's voice!
You looked up in the sky to see a rocket chair flying on that area's direction. You quickly jumped near a tree, away from the landing area.
Seconds later, the chair landed harshly on the ground and the Embalmer groaned, also in pain.
The metal parts that compelled the survivors to stay in the chair were released from his hands and as the chair was laying sideways, surprisingly on the same position as yours, he fell.

You ran back to the open area, to help him.
"Are you okay??" you asked, extremely concerned.
"Y-Yes... Mx. Y/N... my apologies." he got up and slightly bowed.
"N-No need t-to say that! Uhm... wh-why are you apologising, Mr. Carl...?" you looked for your bandages and medicine to heal the men, on your pockets, extremely nervous.
"It was my fault that we lost, Mx. Y/N, my apologies..." he bowed again.
"N-No! Mr. Carl! I-- We just lost because I didn't see the Hunter in time... It was m-my fault! I'm sorry..."

The man looked at you... stared for a little while...

"M-May I make you some treatments?" you asked, almost trembling for some reason, completely forgetting about your own injuries.

"O-Of course." Aesop answered.
And so you did.

The moment you both finished your treatments, you heard one more voice, coming from the sky.
It was Victor this time. He screamed in pain as his rocket chair landed making a big impact on his back.

You ran to him as well, helping him get up and asking if he's okay.
He nodded, rubbing his back.
"Thank you... I think Luca was able to escape through the dungeon..." he said in a very quiet voice.
"Well, at least one of us got to escape..." you rubbed your head, since it still hurted.

You three went to the mansion through the garden (the landing area was linked to the garden, and this one to the mansion [dining room]).


As you got in, Luca got in as well, from an other door, holding on to his head.

"Luca! You escaped!" you ran to him and support carried him to a chair. Luckily, Emily was there, and she was much better at doing treatments then all of you together.
"Sorry I didn't make it in time, Y/N..."
"It's okay, forget it." you smiled gently, making the men smile.
"Are you okay from the landing though?" he then suddenly asked.
"Yes! I think I fainted when the chair started to fly, so I didn't exactly remember the landing part hahahaha."
You both laughed, as Emily healed Luca.
"Luca, if you keep moving I won't be able to heal you property." Emily said, pulling some bandages from Luca's arm.
"Sorry, ma'am." he joked, making the continence.
"You're so stupid, Luca." you laughed.

"You're not any smarter then me-"
"Hey!" you laughed even more.

"Okay, I give up." Emily put her hands up.
"Oh no no, I won't move, I promise." Luca quickly said.
"That's more like it." Emily smiled and got back to making the final touches on Luca's treatment.

After that was done. Both you and Luca went upstairs, to his room, but in the way, you saw Mike.

"Whatsupp y'all?" he asked "Are you guys okay?".
"We just lost a match against the Feaster, but we're fine now!" you smiled to your friend. Luca smiled as well.
"I'm glad you two are safe now! Do you guys want to hang out then?" he then asked, excited.
"Yeah! Me and Luca-" you were interrupted by Luca himself.
"I'll pass, you guys can go. I have... stuff to do." he smiled, yet with a sad face.

"... no."

"W-What?" he turned to you, surprised.

"I said no! You'll hang out with us this time! Your inventions can wait, you need to have some fun!"

"I... that's not..." he struggled with his words.
"Come onnnn~" you imitated his usual teasing voice "It'll be fun!"

"..." Mike looked at Luca "Is it because of me...?"

"W-what? N-No!" Luca answered loudly "... why do you say that?"
"You always turn down our invitations when it's with the both of us, but when it's just Y/N-" Mike stopped "Oh-"
It was silent for some time. 'The hell is going on here' you thought.

Luca and Mike stared at each other for about 2 or 3 minutes. You saw Emma passing by.
"H-Hey Emma!" you just wanted to get out of there, the atmosphere was too triggering "I p-promised you I'd go water the flowers with y-you!"
She waved at you and said quietly "You did?" she rubbed her chin, thinking "Hmm-".
"YES!" you interrupted loudly, running to her and grabbing her hand "L-Let's get going, shall we? Sorry!" you yelled nervously at Luca and Mike, getting away from there with the gardener, in panic.

Luca glared at Mike with his eyes furrowed "Good job, genius.".
"What do you mean 'good job', you're the one who always lets them down." Mike taunted back.
"Oh 'I'm the one who lets them down', am I?! As if you've done anything to help them!".
"At least I am an actual friend of theirs!".
Luca turned his back on him, showing him a middle finger <3 while walking to his room.
"You know what? F*ck you, Luca!" Mike yelled and went to his room as well.
(You didn't hear any of this though)

You felt bad for leaving them both like that, but you panicked at that moment...
You were now in the garden, with Emma, chatting with her and watering the plants. It was relaxing... it helped.

"Emma, do you like it here?" you asked her, in a gentle tone.
"Hmmm..." she thought for some seconds "I don't like these games, yet I like the company I have! When we leave the manor... if we leave the manor... I'd like to still be your friend!" she made a big smile.
You smiled as well, touched with her words "That's sweet! I enjoy the company as well! And of course I'll keep contact with you!"
She hugged you "You're too kind, Y/N!!".
You hugged back "Owww, Emma, you're the kind one here!".


Happy Valentines Day! I don't understand a single sh*t about this 'special day' or what you're supposed to celebrate but I hope you have a good and happy day!

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