Chapter 8

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The match started. This time the map was "Lakeside Village", a big map with an also big ship.

You immediately ran to a nearby cipher, to start working on it.
About 30 seconds later, you looked to your right to see a figure running towards you. You flinched your eyes, trying to figure out who that was. It was Norton, and as he saw you he yelled "I'm so sorry! Get out of here!".
That's when you saw the lizard jumping. And oh... he could jump really high...

You started running, as Norton said, and he tried to lure Luchino away from you, so he could kite him and let you go back to your cipher.
But that's when Luchino noticed you "Oh Y/N..." he smiled "Come here, little bunny!".
You yelled "Leave me!" and Luchino started to persue you, ignoring Norton.

Norton face slapped himself while saying "Dammit, Norton, you screwed up this time." he then yelled to you again "I'm so sorry! I'll help you!".
He told the rest of the team that Luchino was after you two and told them to focus on decoding so that could end quickly.

Meanwhile, you where running towards the boat... you didn't know the map, but you could see that there were tons of palets near it!
Luchino jumped to your front, making you quickly turn the other way and run back.
"Come on, Y/N, I'm not even trying! You'll have to do much better!"

You were gasping for air. He could easily hit you, but for some reason he hadn't done it yet... Perhaps he was enjoying your despair... "ew" you thought.

As you downed a palet, a weird thing attached to you "What is this now?!?!" you said, desperately.

Suddenly you got pulled away from Luchino's sight. You flew into Norton's arms and he pulled you down, covering your mouth.

"Shhh, I've got you, let him get out of here and we can go back to decode your cipher!" he whispered, removing his hand from your mouth.
You nodded.

"Hm...? Well, I may have underestimated them." he laughed "The fun part is over... I'll chair them the moment I see them."

You gulped, still kneeled behind some barrels with Norton by your side.

Luchino walked the opposite way you two where hidding, so both you and Norton got up and ran away, back to your cipher!
"Thank you, Norton!"
"Anytime." he smiled.


You arrived your original position, with Norton, and started decoding.

"The hunter is near me. Focus on decoding!" you heard Eli through the communicator.
"Come on, keep it up!" you both said.

Almost two minutes later, you both finished your cipher, and you heard Eli again "The hunter has changed target, beware!"

Eli had been hit once, but he was still able to get away thanks to his trusty owl!

There were still 2 ciphers that needed to be decoded.
That wasn't going too badly! No one had been chaired yet!
"He's normally not like this..." Norton said to you, as you were both looking for a cipher to decode "At this point, at least two of us would be chaired up if he was really playing."
"Oh... is it because of me? Because I'm new here?"
"Probably, yes. He usually plays just to have fun when there are new survivors. He says he likes to see the newbies get scared at him."
"I see..."
You both saw Eli.
"Eli! Let us heal you!"
Eli looked back, smiling. But then you saw his jaw drop, as he looked up, and he yelled "NORTON, Y/N, RUN!"
You two looked back, even though you both new what was there.

"There you are!" the lizard laughed maniacally.

When he landed from his jump, the hight pressure made on the ground made you two some injuries, counting as a hit. Now he only had to hit you once to get you down.
Norton droped one of his magnets, which he had used before, to pull you.
This one attached to Luchino and pushed him away from you two. Giving you some advance.

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