Chapter 13

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Vera got in, excited, before you could say anything else.
"Guys! There's a Tarot game starting in ten minutes! Who wants to have fun?".

"What's a Tarot game? I've only heard of the actual cards." you asked, curious.
"Basically there are two teams: each one with a King, two Squires and a Knight." Mike started explaining "The objective of the Knight (which is a Hunter) is to chair the opponent's King. And the Squires need to help our King escape and/or help the Squire catch the King."
"So we're in the same team of a Hunter...?" you hesitated.
"I know it sounds like just another game to get hurt but it's fun! We don't have anything else to do so..." Mike said.
"I see... can I play?" you asked.

"Of course! These matches aren't mandatory! You play if you want to. Plus, you'll get healed after the match, just like any other game!" Vera explained.

"Today I'll play as well." Kevin smirked "Dear Vera, may I have the honour to be in your team?".
"Of course." Vera said laughing at his figure, kindly.

"Luca! Mike! We could be a team!" you looked at both of them.
"Oh, I'm not really the best at Tarot, actually..." Luca started.
"Weren't you the one who said you were the best at the game?" you crossed your arms as Luca blushed.
"Fine." he looked away.

Robbie got in.
"Are you guys gonna play??" he made little jumps.
He raised his arms to Luca, wanting him to pick him up.
Luca looked embarrassed yet he found it funny, and he picked Robbie up to his shoulders.
"Thank you, big brother Luca!" Robbie grabbed his head.
"O-Of course, Robbie." Luca laughed, trying to keep his balance.

You smiled. They looked adorable!
"Robbie! Can you be on our team?" you asked him.
"With Y/N, Luca and Mike? Of course I want! It will be so fun!" he swong his arms and Luca almost fell.

"Come, Kevin! Let's make our team!" Vera and Kevin got out of the dinning room.

"Who'll be the King?" Luca asked, turning to you and Mike. He didn't seem really happy to play with Mike, but your goal was to make those two to be friends!

"Y/N, do you want to be the King?" Mike asked you.
"Oh hell no! I'll find a way to help you. You should be the King, Mike!" you quickly answered.
"Is little Y/N scared, by any chance?" Luca teased you, making a smirk.
You sighed "No, I just think that if Mike was the King, we would have bigger chances to win the game." you then made a convinced smirk.
"Yeah, little Y/N is afraid of getting hurt~" Mike also teased you.

You looked at both of them. Robbie was trying not to laugh.
"You guys are impossible!" you started to laugh "Fine! I'll be the King. I think yall are the ones who are scared, but okay." they laughed along.

"Robbie, can I put you on the ground?" Luca asked.
"Ohhh..." Robbie lamented. He then looked at you "Y/N! Can you pick me up now?".
Luca put the boy on the ground and he ran to you.
"Of course I can, cutie!" You picked him up, like a mother carries her child.
"Yey!!" he sang happily.

As you picked the little Hunter up, Vera got back in.
"We have a team! Let's go to the prep-room!".

You all nodded.
Mike opened the door for you and Luca and you started walking to the prep-room.

"Put me on the ground! Put me on the ground, please!" Robbie asked you, happily.
"Oh! Sure!" you put him on the ground and he ran through the corridor.

"Big brother Xie!" you heard him say, as he walked in a room.
"Hello, Robbie, dear." you heard a male voice, comming from the room. It was the White Guard.

The rest of you then got in as well.

The other team was Vera as the King, Kevin and Emily as the Squires and Wu Chang as the Hunter.

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