Chapter 22

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"Y/N? Oh, there you are!" Demi peeked through the door, she seemed like she was in a rush.
"M-Miss Bourbon! H-Hello hello!".
"Oh honey, you can call me Demi! You have a match in two minutes! Your team is already in the pre-match room!" she walked in, grabbed your hand and started taking you out of the dining room.
"Oh! Thank you, Demi!" you looked back as you walked out the door "B-Bye guys." you waved.

Mike sighed and smiled "Bye bye, Y/N!".
Emily and Luca waved back.
You two walked out.

Mike then busted out laughing.
"What?" Luca crossed his arms.
"Y/N is such a cutie!" he made the biggest smile ever.
On the other hand, Luca didn't seem as happy after Mike said that.


"There you go! Good luck, Y/N!" Demi patted your shoulder, leaving you at the front door of the pre-match room. She took a few steps back and watched you enter the room with a kind smile.
"Thank you, Demi!" you also smiled, closing the door behind you.

You turned around to see... just the quietest group of survivors you knew...

On the left chair was Aesop, followed by Victor. And on the right chair was Andrew. Each one minding their own business... either just looking at the ceiling or at the table or somewhere else.

It wasn't the most welcoming atmosphere but it could honestly be worse...

Victor looked up as he noticed you. He smiled. That was his own way of saying 'hello'.
Andrew didn't take his eyes off his shovel.
Aesop seemed like he was in a whole different world, looking into nothingness as he faced the ceiling.
'Understandable' you thought to yourself.

You smiled at Victor and you sat on his side, between him and Andrew.

A few seconds of a deafening silence went by and you finally asked, with a quiet voice, Victor "Hey uhm.. Victor, do you know who the Hunter is...?".
He shyly nodded, suddenly pointing at the door which the Hunters usually walked in by.
This one opened. 'What a great timing' you mumbled.

Andrew looked at the door, so did Aesop.

Aesop then finally noticed you. He got up and gently bowed, in a form of respect.
You did the same.

A very tall man with a pale sickly face, extremely long dark hair, and with a wide grin entered the room. He carried a violin... with his hair?!
His hands were 'hanging' from his shoulders as if they were numb.
That was Antonio, also known as the Violinist. Obviously a Hunter on the Oletus Manor.

The match begun.

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