Chapter 3: Kovoro Mall Worker Part 2

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-3rd POV
-Kovoro Mall

Karen: "H-how did you do that?!"

Y/N: "Simple. I just...swiped at it. That thing was really, really explosive. And you wanted to use that on...what did you call us again? Kids?"

She clenched her fists and grits her teeth, forcing a visible vain mark on her forehead.

Whatever she does next...I have a good feeling it won't be nice.

Y/N: "Now, this didn't have to be a big problem. You still have time to leave now. Leave this guy alone."

Karen: "Or else what?! How about we take this outside and settle it!"

Now, Y/N wasn't into fighting women at all, much less adults, but it was clear that Y/N would win and the Karen would only make a fool of herself.

Y/N: "How...about we don't? I'll fold you quicker than you can come up with a response. In fact, heh, why don't we take a look at my level?"

Karen: "H-huh?"

Y/N: "You heard me. I'm going to gauge my ability, and right after you can decide if you still want to fight me."

With Y/N smiling, John and Seraphina soon followed after. It wasn't Y/N being cocky, he was just confident as hell.

The Karen nodded slowly, and Y/N looked at the clerk.

Now, being measured, this was Y/N's raw ability power, which was strong most of the time.

Clerk: "O-oh are a strong one. I think it' 6."

Karen: "A 6?! That's barely above my score!"

Clerk: "Hold on...I said I THINK, it's hard to tell, it's not being upfront with me. A range between 6-9."

Both John and Seraphina we're shocked, not the fact that he was possibly that strong, but his power couldn't even be scored properly.

Y/N: "You heard the man. A range between 6-9. And what did you get? That explosion you tried using didn't pack a punch so I guess you are a 2, lucky if you are even a 3."

She growled like some animal, many people saw the scene that was happening but continued to carry on with their day.

Y/N: "Now, you still want to fight?"

The Karen had no other choice but to back down, she couldn't allow her pride to be taken by some kid.

Walking away, Y/N gave out a phew of relief, now knowing that there would be no trouble.

Clerk: "Thank you! You saved me and the least I can do is hand you hour money back."

Y/N: "Keep it. I don't care."

Clerk: "Alright, with that being said, you now earn a prize!"

Taking it out, Y/N, John, and Seraphina we're surprised, well, maybe not the last name mentioned.

It was worth the cost, be strong and a teddy bear will be awarded to you.

Y/N: "Uh...thank you...I guess?"

Clerk: "Alright, who's next?"

John: 'This girl right here!"

Pushing Seraphina in front of her, she was scaled and received an 8. Not a range like Y/N's, but since she was above 5, she earned a teddy bear too.

Clerk: "Would you like to go, sir?"

Asking John, he must've felt some type of way as he kept his arm back away from the Clerk.

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