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season 3, episode 21 - give 'em hell kid

OLIVIA AND HAYLEY ORGANIZED THE IRISH WAKE at Rousseau's, with Aurora in a sleeping coma and the Castle vampire siblings dead they could honor Cami the way she wanted to be honored

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OLIVIA AND HAYLEY ORGANIZED THE IRISH WAKE at Rousseau's, with Aurora in a sleeping coma and the Castle vampire siblings dead they could honor Cami the way she wanted to be honored. They walked down the streets of the French Quarter with Elijah and Klaus by their sides. Estelle and Hunter stayed at the compound with Freya, while Hope went to the bayou with Mary. Dozens of people showed up out of respect for Cami, the restaurant was filled with people as they celebrated the late O'Connell's life.

Klaus stood a few feet from Cami's closed coffin that was covered in bright flowers as he stared at it, he looked so defeated even after he had avenged her, not only that but his adopted son hated him. Olivia lightly placed her hand on his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze as a man in a suit walked over to Klaus.

The man stared at the casket, before he turned to look at the twins, "Detective Will Kinney."

Olivia nodded at him as she gestured to herself, "Olivia."

Kinney's eyes travelled to the man beside Olivia as he frowned his eyebrows, "Excuse me, don't I know you?" He asked and when Klaus didn't reply he apologized, "Sorry, you look familiar."

"I have one of those faces." Klaus answered.

"I haven't ready anywhere how she died." Kinney began, his eyes travelled between the twins, "Do you know?"

Olivia knew she had to lie to the poor man but it's what needed to be done to humans who didn't know the supernatural world exists. She spoke up, "An accident, but she would have been thankful for you stopping by."

Detective Kinney nodded, not believing Camille O'Connell died in an accident but he left it like that, he didn't pry anymore questions and Olivia was thankful. He turned around and left the restaurant causing Olivia to turn around to face Cami's coffin only to find a familiar person standing beside it.

She had heard Kol was going to Davina's funeral, alongside Marcel, Josh and Vincent. Olivia didn't go because she didn't know Davina that well and as far as she knew the young Claire witch hated her family, the only exception was Kol.

Marcel looked up from the coffin and stared at Klaus, a harsh glare sent his way before he walked away from the restaurant. Olivia placed her hand on Klaus' shoulder and squeezed it lightly. She lightly whispered, "Give him time."

"Time will not bring Davina back." Klaus retorted, "The one chance to save her was ruined by us for our ends. Marcel's anger is justified. It's best I reach out to him before that anger hardens into something worse."


Once Olivia walked back inside the compound after Cami's wake, she grabbed Estelle from her room and changed her diaper afterwards she placed her back inside her crib before she did the same with Hunter. The blonde hybrid grabbed her phone and took pictures of the twins as she sent them to Stefan.

𝐖𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 - s. salvatore ¹Where stories live. Discover now