Chapter 12

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"Hello! Cherry , is it done?" Joe says to Cherry on a phone call. "Yeah almost , call everyone. We'll distribute these" Cherry smiles. "Your wish my command" Joe says. He calls Miya and Shadow and asks them to come take the posters. Soon they arrived at their house and picked it up.

"You know many people from my café like skateboarding , Hehe!! I'll put it there" Miya says and chuckles. "I'll put it on my 'flora' " Shadow says. "How is the poster?" Cherry asks. "It's classy! It's quite simple and nice" Joe says pats Cherry's head. "Yes!!" Cherry cheekily smiles.

(A/N- 'Flora' is Shadow's shop's official name)

Everyone went their ways and gave the posters to people and sticked it everywhere around the whole S. Soon it became a talk in the town. Miya shared it on his social media and it took half a day to reach out. As Langa was famous he didn't really had to do anything other than sharing the post.

• • • • •

"OMG! Snow is coming to S after SOOO long!! I'm so excited!"

"I know right! He's so damn hot! I'll definitely hit on him if I get a chance!"

"Can't argue with that! I might also , I mean who knows maybe he finds me attractive?"

"Anyways....who's this red head he's going against?"

"Huh? You don't know? That's his best friend , Kyan Reki. Someone said they even live together"

"Damn! Wait he's kinda hot too....if Langa rejects me I'll go for Reki!"

"Y'all newbies don't even know who Reki is?! Lol talk about missing out , he's one of the best skaters of S and back in the days he almost won against Adam!! Don't underestimate my boy like that" a random dude said.

"You mean that Adam?? The sexy one??"

"Of course!"

"Why are you fanboying over him? Are you gay? Well whatever.... I'll cheer for Snow!"

"Tsk! Talk about bad taste , I'm not gay but if it's Reki I'll totally hit on him" the dude said.

"Kids are so wild these days....back in our days all we use to think about was how can we get better than the others. But these days S has become a dating hub" A certain green headed man said. "Why are you acting like you're 50 year old geezer wtf?" Miya says and rolls his eyes. Joe looks at him and smacks his back. "Will you shut up , brat? Also we don't have time for this let's prepare the rest" He says and throws a big branch on tree on the track that would work as a obstacle.

At Renga's house

'Wasn't I bit too blunt yesterday? Well all of that doesn't matters anymore....I guess. After waiting all these annoying days...Reki I'll finally tell my honest feelings to you' Langa says to himself. But little does he knows , he's not the only one thinking about his beloved partner.

'Why did Langa all of a sudden asked me to have a match with him? That too tomorrow...I hope no one of us gets hurt or something' Reki says to himself and bangs his head on the fridge beside him.
'Wait....but....I still haven't thought of anyway I can confess' Reki thought to himself. 'maybe while skating I'll slowly whisper in his ear?....yes that's a good idea!' He bangs the wall with his fist.

"Hey! Reki" Reki jerked at Langa's voice. "Wha-What is it?" He stutters. "Should we order food today?" Langa says and looks at Reki who was already cutting vegetables. "Oh nevermind" Langa laughs. "Why are you laughing? Shut up and go back to your room , dinner will be ready in 20 minutes" Reki turns back and continues to cut vegetables.

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