Chapter 9

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"Langa if you want me to help you with it in future , just call me okay?" Langa's mom says and waves at her son who was going back to his house with his beloved partner , Reki.  "Also I wish you both good luck for future!" She cheerfully says and smiles. "Sure mom! Thank you so much , take care of yourself too" Reki says and Langa starts the car.

Langa waves back at his mom and finally leaves. "What did you talked with your mom? What did she meant by 'it' ?" Reki says , looking at Langa confusingly. "You'll know in future" Langa says and smiles. "So you're keeping secrets huh??" Reki pouts. "Don't be like that Reki! Also call Cherry and tell him that we are coming back" Langa says and looks Reki.

"Oh yes you're right!" Reki pulls out Langa's phone from his pocket and calls Cherry.

'the number you've dialled is currently switched off , please try again later'

"What?" Reki looks at Langa's phone in shock. "What happened?" Langa curiously asked. "It says his phone is switched off" Reki says and pouts again. "Now let's just head back home , maybe he's sleeping" Langa says and lightly pats Reki head.

Cherry's POV

I opened my eyes just to see Joe sleeping infront of me , holding me tightly as if he let go of me I'll run away form him. I touched his built shoulder which were 10x stronger than those of my own. I touched his cheeks and then lips. Coming closer soon our lips touched , I could feel them rubbing onto mine. I kissed him lightly and hugged him.

"Was last night not enough for you?" I startled when I heard his deep morning voice out of nowhere. "You scared me" I said and looked at Joe who was currently smirking at me. "Answer me" he says pulling me closer to him and tightly pressed my hips. "It was enough..." I mumbled. "What? I couldn't hear you~" he playfully says.

"You-.....I said , I was satisfied and it was enough , you don't need to get all worked up about it in the morning-" I soon realized where we actually were and looked around. I panicked and pushed Joe back. "Wait whose room is this? We need to clean the sheets" I say and got up from the bed.

Soon I felt a sudden pain in my lower back and fell on the floor. "Oh my! Kaoru are you okay?" Joe asked and looked at me. "You bastard! How many rounds was it last night?" I glared at him. "If I remember it clearly it was 4 or maybe 5.....wait....or 6?" I got up threw a pillow at him. "Do you even know how to hold back?! My back hurts like hell and it's not even our house!! We need to clean the sheets and the floor" I say pointing at the floor near the book shelf , things on it needs to be cleaned.

"Why are you getting all worked up about it? It's Langa's room , I think... Why would Reki keep his room clean?" Joe says and laughs. "But still..." I insisted on the idea of leaving the things as they were. For me it was decent human manners to clean the mess you make when you at someone elses house. I looked at the clock which said '6:50'. 'There is a chance they already left Langa's house , I think we should get dressed too' I thought and picked my clothes from the floor and start to get dressed.

"Kojiro...get dressed and yes we are cleaning the sheets I don't give a fuck about what you think. It's so embarrassing to leave things like this" I say and look at Kojiro who was staring at my naked body. "You damn pervert , get dressed!!" I shouted at him. "I was captivated by your beauty" Joe said , I ignored him.

End of POV

Back to Renga

Langa's POV

I got out of my car , so did Reki. We took all of the things out and I parked our car in the garage. "Reki...let's go" I said and we headed back to the main door. Reki had the keys so he unlocked the door. We stepped inside and heard—

"Kaoru you came so much last night!! The whole sheet is dripping!!"

"Why the hell are you swinging the sheet in the air like that?!?! Put it in the washing machine before Langa and Reki come , also did you cleaned the floor near the book shelf?!"

"Oops! I forgot"


We stepped more inside and saw Joe holding a sheet in his hand which had stains on it and Cherry reaching his hand out to get the cloth. A few dead seconds passed and all four of us were staring at eachother expressionlessly.

"What the fuck?" Reki said and broke the silence. I looked at him. "What the fuck?....IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS?!" Reki shouted and looked at them. I look at him but couldn't say anything because I was also taken back from what actually happened.

"It's not like you guys don't do it" Joe says.

"We never had sex at your house" Reki said.

"It's not your bedsheet , why are you getting so worked up about it anyways?" Joe says.

"I have a bookshelf in my room , and that purple sheet is from my room" Reki says and smiles.

"........I am sorry" Joe says.

"ANYWAYS Cherry thank you for taking care of our house for the night" I changed the topic and thanked Cherry. "It's okay" Cherry slowly said. I slapped his back rather a bit hard just to show my gratitude towards him. He hits the wall infront of him and fell down.

"Uhhm.....are you okay?" I worriedly looked at him and said.

End of POV

Third person POV

Reki looked back and went upstairs to his room. He opened the door and went straight to his wardrobe. He opened it and also opened the drawer. He took the box out and opened it. "Thank's here" he closed everything and turned around. "Damn..... he did came alot..... also this room smells so bad!.." Reki said and opened the windows.

On the the other side , Langa did the same thing but thankfully his room was untouched. He went downstairs and looks at Reki who just came from his room. "Let's just forget all of this ever happened okay?" Langa said. "Hnn....Also....all that turned me on a bit" Reki came closer to Langa and was about to kiss him until Joe came with a mop and a bucket in his hands. "I am going to clean all that cu-" Reki shut him off and said. "Yes please!!"

Soon both of them left after cleaning all that.

"Damn....that was....alot of experience" Reki said. "Today I learned you should never be careless and leave your house in someone else's hands...." Langa looked at Reki and completed his sentence. "or they might have sex in your room" both of them looked at eachother and burst out laughing.

"Anyways! We are free the whole day today.....might as well prepare the sheets to get them cleaned tomorrow" Reki said and pulled Langa closer from his collar. "Ohh...damn I guess I have to thank Cherry and Joe later" Langa said and smirked.

~~~~~~~~~~~End of chapter 9~~~~~~~~~~~

Sorry everyone for this 2 week hiatus! I was busy with work and family! I'll update every week like usual from now on!

Thank you for understanding and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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Word count- 1275


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