Chapter 2

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The sun was out , birds were chirping with busy people going out for work. I turn around just to see my Langa who's sleeping soundly. I caressed his soft blue hairs and lightly touched his cheeks. "He's so handsome even when he's sleeping" I say while still being busy with his hairs and cheek.

"Thank you Reki" I jumped and looked at him in surprise. Langa whom I successfully woke up. "When did you woke up?" I ask him. "When you touched my hairs I just decided not to let you know that I woke up" I was shocked and embarrassed that he heard me giving him cheesy complements. "That's so wrong Langa , what if I said something wrong?" I said.

"it's ok isn't it?" Langa says while pulling me closer to his chest. "Langa I have to make breakfast and do the laundry let me go" I protest. "No" I looked at him in disbelief "What why not?" I ask him. "Well.....if you kiss me then I can let you go" Langa says.

I gave up and landed a short peck on Langa's lips. He lightly grabs my head from back and deepens the kiss. While we were making out Langa holds my waist with his other hand. "Ouch-" I jerked in pain at Langa touch. "Does it still hurts from last night?" Langa slowly says and starts to massage my back. "Of course it does but it's not that let me go I have work to do" I said and left the bed.

Third person POV

Langa comes out of the bathroom and sees Reki in the kitchen with some eggs and Potatoes. He comes from behind and lightly hugs Reki from the back. "What are you making for breakfast?" Langa asks Reki who was not expecting Langa to give him a back hug. "well food for us to eat" Reki looks at Langa and smiles. "of course" Langa sarcastically smiles back and sits on chair.

"By the way Reki....You have a whole week break right?" Langa asks. "Yes like till 6th April" Reki answers back. "So...I was wondering it's been a while since we went out a trip? just the 2 of us" Langa suggests. "That's sounds nice" Reki says while serving the breakfast to Langa and himself , he also sits infront of him. "But are you free tho?" Reki asks. "I don't have much work and all the tournaments are later this year" Langa explains.

"Well that's great! did you planned something?" Reki says. "Eh- i- no of course what do you mean plannings haha" Langa panicked at Reki's question as he didn't wanted Reki to know a single thing about his surprise.

"Well do you have any places in your head?" Reki asks. "I've been to Tokyo once so how about that? Langa suggests. "that would be grea- hold on" Reki comes to a realization. 'if we are going to Tokyo now we will live there for at least 4 to 5 days and tokyo from Okinawa is gonna be really long distance + We don't have enough money....What if Langa agreed to marry me? The marriage is alone gonna cost alot-' "What happened Reki?" Reki comes back to reality and sees Langa's worried expression.

"Oh no it's nothing and I was thinking let's skip this's not summers yet and I have a lot of leftover work too and let's be honest we don't have enough money yet" Reki explains.

"you're right then let's just go on normal dates we use's been awhile since we actually spent time together. Right now I can do anything possible" Langa says with a straight face not noticing the big blush on Reki's face.

"By the way Reki where did you went with Cherry yesterday?" Langa asks. "uhhh we uh like S" Reki lies. 'oh shit' Reki thought while cursing himself on how dumb he can be. "S? You went to S with Cherry? Why didn't you told me?" Langa says while being slightly disappointed. Reki looks at Langa and says "I thought you'd be tired after all that training I am sorry Langa" Reki apologizes.

"Okay! As an apology let's go to S today!! It's been forever since I skated with you Reki" Langa excitely says. "Oh you're right! Let's go skateboard!" Reki agrees. Soon they finish their breakfasts and go to the garage. "Wow! what are all these? There are so many designs and skateboards! when did you made these Reki?" Langa asks. "Well I wanted the best design and model to present in the company...I still haven't found the best design" Reki awkwardly laughs. "But this one is so nice" Langa says while picking up a purple skate board hoisted from the front and it had galaxy pattern near the wheels. "This is so beautiful how long did it took you to make this one?" Langa asks.

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