Chapter 11

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"Are you still angry at me?......Kaoru?" I looked at him. "Well I am just embarrassed , that's all" Cherry said looking away. "Well now that's great" Joe smiled and looked at cherry who's was not interested in looking at him.

Soon they reached at Miya and shadow's location. "Hey Miya , Shadow we are here" Cherry says. "that was fast anyways so as I think you both know why we are here? To do the preparation and planning for or beloved Reki and Langa's proposal" Miya says while clapping his hands together.

"Of course we know" Joe says and sits on the chair. "ok then I am bringing some hot chocolate for everyone if you guys have any plans then tell us about it" Miya says and goes back inside the café. "Thanks for your hardwork" Miya said and tapped the back of his co-worker. "Don't mention it!" She replied back and smiled. He started making the hot chocolate.

"Anyways.....Joe , guys are married for so many years , what do you think should we do?" Shadow says while looking at the chaotic married couple infront of him. "Well.....I proposed Cherry......when we went to a love hot-"

"WHAT- are you saying?! Haha of course we went to a normal date and that's where he confessed hahaha" Cherry slammed Joe's mouth with his hand and lied to Shadow who was currently looking like the most confused being alive. "Well whatever...I would suggest 'S' because....I personally think it would be a nice idea" Shadow suggests and seriously looks at them. "S is not a bad idea" Cherry says and rests his hand on Joe's shoulder.

"Yes but......Langa is a celebrity.....and S is not a illegal place anymore , alot of people come there on daily basis" Joe says anxiously looking at both of them. "Reki said that it's okay" shadow says. "Is that so? If he says then I guess it's okay...." Cherry looked up in the sky and let out a sigh.

"Did you guys thought about something??" Miya says while holding a tray in his hands with 4 hot chocolates. "Not yet....if you guys are talking about S then Reki said it would be great , and about Langa being famous....he's still not that famous in all over Japan-" Joe cuts Miya and bangs his hand on the table.

"The thing is not know Langa is in his rising age and he has a lot crazy fangirls dying over him all over social media and all....if Langa first openly comes out to the world that he's gay , I think it would a better decision" Joe clarifies himself. "Ahh.... that's what you think....well it's the fact that he'll loose fans after he comes out , the people who would still support him would be his real fans....and we don't have time to think about all that now we barely have time left....we have to plan something today and start from tonight so that it ends till tomorrow" Cherry gives everyone serious a look.

"I think we should ask Langa if he's comfortable with being open about himself yet.....that's how we should plan everything" Shadow says and takes a sip from his hot chocolate.

Joe then calls Langa as he was the one Langa took when he went to buy the ring. Soon Langa picks the call up and answers. "What is it Joe?" Langa says calmly. "So....we were planning things for your want it to be grand or something private?" Joe asks Langa. "Well....." Langa took a deep breath and decided to speak again. "I want to be grand and public.... I'm done staying in the dark and pretending for all these people who don't care about me.....Joe , thank you for your support and I want it to big" Joe could feel the emotions in Langa's voice. "Sure then!" Joe lightly laughs.

Everyone heard the conversation as the call was on speaker. "Well then....I guess , we have to call all of our acquaintances there" Cherry smiles. "I'll put the poster on my café too" Miya chuckles. Everyone was laughing or either smiling except Shadow.

"Oi gorrila what is it?" Joe says.
"What poster are you talking about?" Shadow says. Everyone looked at him in silence. "You are not added in that group are you?" Cherry checks his phone. He sighs and shows it to Shadow. A weeks old text was showed to Shadow which was sent by Langa. After reading the text , Shadow lost his mind and started laughing. "This little bastard" he says and smirks.

"Well....imagine how cool would that be?" Joe says and smirks too. "Well I'll design a poster and give it for printing....this process will alone take half a day....and Miya , it's your job to make it viral okay?" Cherry says while lightly tapping Miya's back and smiling. "Leave it to me!!" Miya says and bites his straw and winks.

"LET'S GET TO WORK!!....Shadow and Joe you both go to S and tell everyone about it! Cherry you make the poster and the rest also send it to me after its done. I'll share it on my social media and ask Langa to share it too" Miya says and punches the air.


At Renga's

Reki looks around the house to find Langa. "Langa??...where are you?" Reki says and turns around. "What is it Reki?" Langa says as he steps inside the house from the main door. "Ah Langa! Let's go!" Reki softly smiled and tilted his head. "Yeah" Langa says and takes Reki's hand in his own.

They both took their favourite skateboards—
Langa- The purple galaxy skateboard that Reki made for him.
Reki- A frog patterned skateboard which he recently made.

They both launched their skateboards and felt the cold night breeze on their bodies. Suddenly all of their worries seemed to go away. The sweet smell in the air and the feeling of them being beside eachother , skateboarding , made them feel a kind of euphoria. It felt nostalgic.

"Reki..... I love you"

Reki looks at Langa with widen eyes. He was not expecting such strong words randomly coming out from Langa. "All of a sudden....what is it?" Reki says and smiles at Langa.
Hair flying lightly in the air , Reki smiling at Langa , both of them on their skateboards , holding hands , it was the best time to ask Reki about it. That's what Langa thought.

"Reki....on Sunday.....let's go to S....together" Langa tightens his grip on Reki's hand. Reki looks down on their locked pair of hands. "Sure...why not? But why are you so nervous? What is it? Is something wrong?" Reki worriedly asks Langa who looked like he could cry any moment. They both stopped skateboarding and looked at eachother for a long 2 minutes of silence.

"Reki....I am challenging you to a beef"

Reki widens his eyes and looks at Langa. After a few seconds he started to laugh. "Pffft- HAHAHAH.... WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT LANGA!?" Langa looks at Reki and says. "I'm serious". "You're literally a national player , I don't stand a chance against you. What are you even talking about" Reki let goes of Langa's hand.

"This match is not about winning or loosing , it's something very special and important to me , after all these years , I'm gonna say it to you on your face" Langa takes a step closer to Reki and hold his waist from the back. "You were the best skater I've ever seen , and if it wasn't for you , I wouldn't be where I am right now , you loosing your confidence was the worst thing that has ever happened to me.... therefore....this match is not about all those useless winning or loosing. It's something personal" Langa confessed and lifted his head to looked back at Reki who was currently smiling at him. "'re cute" Reki says and cups his cheeks.

"Whatever you say then" Reki says and smiles at Langa. " I would suggest you to do some practice or you'll loose before we even start" Langa laughs. "HEY! You just said it was not about winning or loosing!!" Reki pouts. Langa gets ready to go again until Reki hits him with his knee. "OUCH! What was-" Reki pulled him closer by holding him from his collar. "Don't underestimate me , or I might eat you alive" Reki smirks. Langa intensely blushed and looked at Reki.

'daamnnn.....that was sexy' Langa thought to himself while hiding his face. Reki skateboards ahead and left him behind. Meanwhile Langa who was a blushing mess said to himself. "Now that's husband material right there" he laughed it off and followed his partner. "Reki! Wait for me!!"

~~~~~~~~~~End of chapter 11~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thank you so much for reading this chapter!!
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I am so sorry for the delay of this chapter!!

Word count- 1450


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