Chapter 25

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I've uploaded by works on Dreame and Inkitt Please support me there, because I don't know whether my account will stay on wattpad for long. 

Just to be safe, I've created accounts on Inkitt and Dreame and I've an Instagram account too. 

username for all is comicsthinker (pm for links)

follow my backup incase something happens to this account comicthinker

Playlist  - The less I know the better by Tame Impala


I was pinned under my father's deep scrutiny. His eyes had the power to bring anyone crumbling down to their knees and now they were solely focused on me. 

Like a motherfucker I was, I maintained cool, nonchalant composure. I was not letting myself fall prey to one of his sick whims. I was his son after all. 

I fell back on the cushioned seat and exhaled a deep breath. My father had demanded to see me in his office, so I decided to meet him at his Chicago office where he spent most of his time.

My phone beeped. I fished it out from inside my suit jacket. Unsettling feeling summoned in my chest when I read the sender's name. 


I swiped off her text, slipped my phone back inside my suit jacket before putting my phone on silent. I didn't want anyone to disturb my upcoming trail. 

“Who was it?” My father, Silas Torrance, wasted no time and began his investigation. 

“Charlotte,” I said, after a beat. 

His face held a stoic expression. Same went for his eyes which were arctic cold. If it was possible, he would have pierced my soul by now. I was certain of one thing: I may have landed myself in some serious shit. 

“You’re making me impatient, pops. What was so important to discuss with me that you had your minions summon me here to meet you? I am your son, not some business deal.” 

Deep inside, I was nothing more but apprehensive of what my father would do to me once he got his claws in me. I was silently preparing myself for a sudden death. 

He mocked a lively chuckle. I knew my father and this was his way of getting under my skin, to make me sweat. 

“Son, I think you of all can’t take a fucking piss without reminding everyone that you’re Silas Torrance’ kid.” His tone was menacing and made me inwardly flinch. “Isn’t it correct? 

“I don’t follow.” 

“I will give you a hint.” He turned to his iMac, clicked some shit then played an audio for me. 

I stilled, my eyes widened. The voices in the audio were clear as day. It belonged to me, my friends and Charlotte. Oh, fuck.

That goddamn bitch. Arrg! (screams) I saw it with my own eyes, Ares. He kissed her right in front of me. You told me to stop being paranoid where she was cornered, but that girl is obsessed with my boyfriend. The love letters, the small gifts (knocked down a table lamp) She won him over. 

I try to soothe my hysterical sister. Stop losing your head over Axel. He’s not worth it. Now you can finally see what I’d been trying to tell you (I console a soothing Charlotte) 

My father paused the audio and shifted his threatening gaze back to my face. He was beyond angry with me. Truth be told, I felt dread crawl inside me when memories of that night came flooding back to me. 

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