Day Thirteen - Someone I Wish Could Forgive Me

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Dear Sofi,

I am such a bitch. I am so sorry. I didn't even notice that I was being so mean most of the time.

But now I know how you feel and I want you to forgive me. I am truly sorry. I understand that you've never really fit in. I've always been that girl. Starting in 6th grade, I was known as the loud, annoying, attention-seeking, slut. Nothing more. I even made an effort to change over the summer between 6th and 7th grade. But my hard work was pushed down the drain. No one cared and no one realized I had changed. Everyone still thought I was the same person as I was in 6th grade. I mean, I was still really loud, but I always will be loud. That's who I am. But they still put me in a box. I was still the school slut, according to my classmates and they will always see me like that.

But this isn't about me not fitting in. It's about you thinking that you don't fit in. Believe me, it took me 3 years to finally fit in. But that's only because I switched school...and found the right group of people. Just because you don't fit in with my friends doesn't mean that you'll never find the right group of people for you.

Please don't give up. When I talked to you a few days ago, I finally felt like I had someone to relate to. I need someone like you. You understand and can relate to what I've gone through...and I am the same for you. But you're pushing me away. Please don't leave. I care about you too much.

You are an amazing friend. Please let me be an amazing friend for you too.


Your friend <3

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