Day Five - My Dream

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  • Dedicated to My Dream...whatever that may be

Dear Dream,

I'm not exactly sure what you are right now. All I know is that I'm trying my hardest to make you come true. I had many of you when I was younger but nowadays people don't believe in such things, but I still do.

What do I want right now? What are my goals in life? Hmmm...I do wanna be an actress! But that's sort of a long shot. Other than that, I don't know what I want to do.

Who knows if I'll make it? Will I even be able to afford college? I do want to get married and have children. Getting married and having children can be a dream, can't it? I was looking forward to writing to you. Until I realized that I didn't have a dream. Now I'm all asdfghjkl

Where am I going in life? OH I GOT THIS ONE!

***Dear Dream, please give me the incredible ability to stop procrastinating so I can actually get somewhere in life. I want to be successful and not a nobody.***

Come true, pleaseeee??


A dreamer without a dream

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