Chapter Thirty Four: Tears

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When I formulated a plan for the festival a month ago, having one of my closest friends die was not part of it.

Looking around the empty ballroom, glasses broken and strewn across the floor, curtains ripped, tables and chairs upside down, I couldn't help but shiver at the sight. This wasn't supposed to happen.

"So, what are you thinking about, big man?" Schlatt sighed as he dropped down onto his throne from earlier, now splattered with blood stains from Tubbo.

"Well, you did just threaten to kill a lot of people" Dream stated, his voice staying completely steady.

"Only Tubbo....and Niki. But that doesn't impact you, buddy?"


Dream's quick and chilling response made the horrible feeling in my stomach grow stronger. He didn't care at all that Tubbo was dead? Or that Niki almost died? I know he wasn't close with them, but I was.

I slowly slipped my hand out of his, to which he stilled for a moment and then ignored.

"Okay. Then let's discuss some things, shall we?" Schlatt replied while extending his arms, and then hissing back in pain when raising his injured arm.

"Fine," Dream nodded.

Quackity, Fundy, and Schlatt's bodyguards watched patiently from the sidelines as Dream and I walked closer to his throne, standing only a couple feet away.

"First thing on the table is Nix," Schlatt smiled, gesturing towards me.

"I'm sorry?" I give a dry laugh and pray to god that Schlatt isn't implying that I'm some sort of object.

"What?" Dream replied, his tone hardening.

"Well, I think we've let her run around and play fake warrior long enough, wouldn't you agree?" Schlatt shrugged.

"What are you even-"

"I don't know what you mean, Schlatt" Dream responds harshly, cutting me off.

"Hmm, maybe I should cut to the chase then" Schlatt straightens himself up, "She is supposed to be part of my cabinet, and I request her presence back at Manberg".

"I'm not going back-"

"Nix is a citizen of the SMP Territory. She doesn't associate with you anymore" Dream answered for me, cutting me off again.

"Careful, Dream. I might consider this an attack on our nation. A hostage situation?" Schlatt frowned darkly, meeting Dream's stare head on.

"I'm not a hostage-"

"We might have a war in our midst-" Schlatt started.

"WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP FOR A SECOND?" I yell, extremely frustrated.

The two of them go silent as I hear Quackity let out a low whistle and Fundy holds back a snicker.

"Jesus christ, and I thought I talk too much sometimes" I huffed, and then took a step forward so that I was ahead of Dream.

"I'm not a hostage, I'm not an object, and I'm not someone who likes to be talked over. I have made my OWN choice to stay with Dream, and I don't owe you anything, Schlatt. And if you think that for one moment, I would EVER consider siding with you after what you just did to Tubbo, to Niki?" I slowly walked towards him, rage fueling my words. "Then you're the dumbest person in this room"

"Damn" Dream chuckled from behind me.

I swiveled back to him and he immediately stopped laughing.

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