Chapter Twenty Five: Manhunt

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I had sent my letter soon after that, giving it to Ashes, hoping that he would bring it to Niki. A response from Niki came back two days later, saying she trusted me, and was willing to help me in any way possible. I will admit, when I first read her letter, I almost cried. It was good to know I still had Niki to count on, and she trusted me again. With this new reassurance, I continued training even more with Sapnap, who helped me get a sick bow. I was slowly getting better at pvp, and was getting used to the heavy armour.

It had been about a week into October when Dream finally had free time to do a Manhunt. I had been constantly reminding him almost everyday, which he had gotten annoyed of quickly. Sapnap let me know that George was in if Dream was in, so everything worked out perfectly.

Dream and I rode horses all the way out past a couple deserts and forests, taking almost the entire day to get to our destination where Sapnap and George were supposed to be waiting for us. The trip had been mostly uneventful, but filled with beautiful scenery. I hadn't been this far away from L'Manberg before, but I loved it.

"Over there"

My eyes followed where Dream's arm was pointing, and I saw the faint glow of torches near a huge jungle. We led our horses over to the group of tents set up, and tied them to a fence.

"Thanks for the long ride" I whispered to my horse, Thea, while feeding her some hay. She ate it up quickly, and I gave her a reassuring pat.

"You guys finally showed up" Sapnap's voice teased from behind us, making me jump slightly.

"Oh come on, I'm sure you were only here for a little while" Dream responded with a smile in his voice.

"When you're not here, it feels like hours" Sapnap sighed dramatically, throwing his hand onto his forehead as if he might faint.

"You're an idiot" Dream lightly shoved him.

"Sapnap's an idiot? What else is new?"

George appears behind them, stepping out of a tent.

"Shut up, George, no one was talking to you"
Sapnap frowned, crossing his arms.

"George, you're awake for once?" Dream feigned surprise, turning around to greet his friend.

"I don't understand the sleeping jokes, I'm awake all the time" George complained, readjusting his glasses.

"You didn't even wake up for the last manhunt!" Sapnap argued back.

"That wasn't my fault, I warned you guys I would be asleep!"

"Whatever you say, Gogy"

"Okay, Stinknap"

"Are you two fighting again?" an unfamiliar voice calls out.

A figure walked forward from beyond the torches, holding a pile of sticks in their arms.

"Oh, Dream you're here!" The man smiles brightly, dropping the sticks into a pile.

"Hi, Bad" Dream walks over to him, giving him a friendly hug.

"Why does Bad get a hug?" Sapnap whined.

"Because he's not being an idiot right now"
Dream sighed, letting go of his friend.

"Are you guys excited to do the Manhunt tomorrow? It's gonna be so fun!" Bad spoke excitedly.

"We're gonna destroy you, Dream. You're out of practice" Sapnap taunted.

"Dream's gonna lose! Let's go!" George cheered along with Sapnap and Bad.

"Don't get overly cocky, this time I get help" Dream stated smugly.

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