Chapter Fifty Nine: Revival

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Nix's disbelief was written all over her face. As quickly as it appeared, it changed into rage.

"Don't say that! We aren't bringing him back. Everyone made it clear that he isn't wanted," She replies angrily. "He can't even fight anyways! He hasn't touched a weapon his whole life!"

"Exactly. We need his TNT," Karl explains, his hands outreached like he was calming a wild animal. "I wouldn't suggest it unless we needed it".

"His TNT?" Nix questions, her anger simmering slightly. In a subtle way, I bump my hand against hers, reminding her that I was here to support her. As quickly as she felt it, she grabbed onto my hand and held it tightly. When her palm was in mine I could feel the way it shook in fear and anxiety. I almost laughed. She's so good at feigning confidence, she seemed better than me at it.

"The End goddess," Now it was Tommy who spoke. "In old legends of Church Prime people believed that TNT was what made The End desolate in the first place".

"So the End goddess," I nodded. "Would take the most damage from TNT. Theoretically".

"Theoretically," Tommy mocks. "You're so smart, Dream. You know all the big words".

"And you're obnoxious, Tommy," I reply with hidden affection. He's just barely within reach, and I manage to ruffle his hair.

"Stop it," Tommy whines, pushing his hair back into place.

When I look back over at Nix, she's watching us fondly, a warmth in her eyes like a cozy fireplace.

I'm glad it distracted her for the moment.

"I hate to break up this moment, but how would we get Wilbur? I mean he's dead right?" Puffy speaks up, looking at Karl.

Karl turns to glance at me pointedly.

I sigh, getting ready for the storm this would cause.

"I have a book that revives people from the dead". I admit, waiting for my audience's reactions.

There is a wave of shock that ripples across the group, but in the end there's not as much of a reaction as I thought.

"So should we bring Wilbur back?" Tubbo questions from the back.

"Really? No one is upset or doubtful?" I ask incredulously.

"A revival book isn't crazy compared to what we've heard in the past two days," Ponk shrugs, Sam nodding beside him.

"Reviving Wilbur is fine, but we might have to keep a close eye on him like with Ranboo," Karl explains.

With the way Nix is glaring at the ground, I'm not sure if she wants Wilbur revived. Call me selfish, but I won't revive Wilbur unless she gives me the go ahead. I can't handle seeing the betrayal in her eyes again.

"That's easy, let's do it!" Jack calls out.

"Wait, can't we just TNT from anywhere?" Hbomb reasons.

"But we need a honk ton of TNT, and in a little amount of time," Karl answers. "Wilbur used a bunch for the L'Manberg explosion, but I know he has more".

"So much more," Niki mumbles, her eyes set in a harsh gaze. I almost thought she was someone else entirely, her pink hair and spiritless expression so different to her normal soft and hopeful features.

"Okay, so we revive Wilbur and have someone babysit him. Who's volunteering?" Sapnap says boredly.

"I'll do it!" Tommy steps forward, his hand raised like a student waiting to be called on.

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