Chapter Fourteen: Chaos

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"Is to revoke the citizenship, of Wilbur, and Tommy"

My heart dropped as the entire crowd dissolved into chaos once again, Niki's screams rising above the noise. Fundy and Eret were holding her back from running over to Wilbur, and even Eret was distressed by the turn of events.

I was too shocked to move, to think, or to even breathe. My brain couldn't even comprehend the words. Wilbur and Tommy not being part of L'Manberg? What does that entail?

"Get them outta here!" Schlatt shouted, pointing his finger in their direction.

Only a select few moved towards Wilbur and Tommy, obvious friends of Schlatt, or people he paid to support him. They were all wearing suits like Schlatt, and were huge compared to the rest of us. The men in suits pulled out crossbows, aiming them at Wilbur and Tommy. I also realised that Punz and Ponk were hidden within the crowd, joining these men with their own weapons.

I was already on my feet, just about to run over to Wilbur when Tubbo pulled on my hand.

"It would be better if we joined them in secret" Tubbo whispered, his face full of concern.

"But they could get shot, we have to help" I tugged, trying to reach them.

"Just wait, please" Tubbo cried, making me stop.

I sat down, a little pissed, but understanding that Tubbo was just as upset as I was. He was right, it could put even more people in danger if I tried to interfere.

The audience was a little less chaotic, at this point just wondering what to do in this situation. I could tell most wanted to help, but didn't want to put their families in jeopardy.

"Tommy, run" Wilbur said in a panicked voice, "Tommy run!"

Tommy and Wilbur sprinted from the seats, running past the L'Manberg walls. They left my line of sight as Punz, Ponk, and a few of the men chased them.

Quackity laughed along with Schlatt on the stage, both of them in high spirits.

"Everyone sit down" Quackity laughed into the microphone, acting like this was the best thing that could've happened. Everyone got back into their seats, all whispering amongst themselves.

Punz returned after a couple of minutes, walking up to the stage.

"Did you get rid of them?" Schlatt addressed Punz.

"They escaped, but I did manage to shoot Wilbur with an arrow," Punz reported.

"No!" Niki and I both shouted, along with a couple others.

"Oh my god" Tubbo whispered.

"Perfect" Schlatt smirked, readjusting his tie.

"Until further notice, Wilbur and Tommy are only a memory of L'Manberg" Schlatt announced.

"Yes sir!" Quackity saluted, George saluting along with him.

"We are entering into a new period of L'Manberg, a period of prosperity! Of strength, and of unity!" Schlatt declared, raising his arms.

Tubbo squeezed my hand, alerting me that it was time to go. We snuck out of our seats, slowly making our way towards the walls of L'Manberg. Somehow, Tubbo and I got past the walls, running to the Camarvan.

"Who wants lower taxes?" Schlatt's microphone could still be heard, and some of the crowd cheered, even if it was only a little bit. We were almost to the bunker now, only a little further....

Right as we opened the door to Tubbo's secret bunker, the worst thing that could've happened, happened.

"Where's Tubbo?" Schlatt's voice demanded, stopping Tubbo and I in our tracks.

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