Chapter Sixty Five: Rise

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You would think that when your friend sacrifices her life for yours, that means that you can actually live, right?

Here I am, still sobbing over the fact that Alyssa just gave up everything for me, and I realize that I am very much dead.


The soft voice wakes me, it's strange familiarity confusing me.

"Who?" I look around, darkness, different to the void, surrounds me.

"Oh, forgive me," The voice chuckles lightly.

Suddenly, the dark haired being from before appears in front of me, holding me in her hand.

"I'm Kristin," They introduce themselves. "I'm the goddess of Death, and you are dead".

"Dammit, then what was all that for?" I throw up my arms in annoyance.

Kristin lets out a laugh that somehow shakes the darkness around me.

"Don't worry, you have another card up your sleeve," She replies sweetly.

"I'm sorry?" I respond, very confused.

"You are very special, Nix," She speaks gracefully. "A Phoenix like you doesn't die so easily".

"I don't?

"No," She smiles. "There's a secret to Phoenix's that very few know. You have the greatest power of all. You light the world aflame, and rise from the ashes, forever victorious".

"I'm not sure I understand?" I reply dumbly.

"I can't help you any further than this," She moves closer, and breathes out, like blowing out a candle, and instantly I'm surrounded in darkness again.

Well, now what do I do now?

I raise my arm, expecting to see the pink flesh I'm used to. Instead, there's nothing there.

"What the?" I look down, noticing that I can't see any part of my body, but I still feel alive and together. All around me is darkness, but I can feel solid ground beneath me. I only become scared when I try to stand, but my legs don't allow me to move an inch.

"Hello?" I shout, trying not to let terror hit. "Black haired lady? I mean Kristin? Sorry!"

There's no response, just echoes in the pitch black.

"Okay, don't get stressed Nix," I calm myself, starting to hyperventilate.

Then it hits me.

There's no fever.

I'm fucking sweating and terrified and there's no fever.

"Fucking finally!" I cry out, overjoyed. "I can have a panic attack in peace!"

The silence laughs back at me.

I smile, feeling my anxiety go away instantly at the thought of not having to disperse flames from my mind. It's almost enough to make me want to stay here.

But I can't. I can't waste Alyssa's sacrifice like this.

Alright Nix, think. Kristin was trying to help you.

"You have the greatest power of all," I repeat, looking around me for anything in the darkness. "You light the world aflame, and rise from the ashes".

I laugh dryly remembering the last line.

"Forever victorious. What a fucking joke".

I can't stand, or move really, and I'm surrounded by darkness and silence.

"Light the world aflame," I mumble. "And rise from the ashes".

Putting my non-existent hand on the ground, an idea stirring in my mind.

"Okay, let's try this".

Focussing my mind, I imagine the flames covering my body.

In milliseconds, faster than it's ever taken, fire rages around me. I didn't even have a fever this time.

"Woah," I marvel at the size of the flames, never seeing them this high. "Now to just..."

I allow the flames to travel from my arm to the ground, setting it on fire.

Like a match in gasoline, the ground around me explodes into fire, stretching as far as I can see in the darkness. I frown, shivering at how cold I feel while surrounded by the fire. The more I notice the chill of the ground, the more it seems to consume me.

Shaking, I try to hold myself to keep warm, noticing the fire around me is no longer my own. My body temperature drops drastically, and I can't think anymore, just trembling in the cold. I drop my head limply, the strength of holding it up leaving me.

As soon as I do, I notice a tiny pile of something in front of me, something that wasn't there before. Using the little strength I still have, I reach forward, scooping up the pile into my hands. Bringing the pile to my face, I finally make out what's in my hands.


The pile of ashes sits still in my hands, silently waiting.

Kristin's voice reverberates in my mind.

"R-rise..." My voice shivers. "From t-the ashes".

With everything I have left in me, I pray for a flame.

A spark spurts within the ashes. I push harder, the ember fizzing bigger. A steady flame takes its place, and I feel completely devoid of heat. Anything that was left in my being was now in the palm of my hand.

"H-hello," I greet the flame, feeling less alone.

The flame stays strong, dancing in the ashes.

With a steady breath, I blow on the flame, just enough to feed it oxygen without snuffing it out.

The flame grows larger, coating the pile of ashes. Like a volcano, the fire erupts, thriving and expanding. Finally, I feel warmth.

"There we go," I smile, strength finding its way back into my body. The closer I get to the fierce heat, the warmer and more capable I feel.

Something within me moves my hands closer, the desperate want to no longer be cold taking over my instincts.

"Stay strong," I whisper, hoping it doesn't get put out as I hold it close to my heart. The fire clings to me, spreading through my body. I feel like myself again, fire in my veins.

My hands fall away, nothing inside them anymore. I feel enough strength to stand, and I rise from the ground slowly.

When I stand tall, the flames within me crackle, spreading from inside to out. I recognise this as my Phoenix form coming forward, and I allow it to take hold. With newfound confidence, my wings explode from my back. Contrastingly to only minutes ago, I feel stronger and healthier than ever before.

"Little Phoenix," Kristin's voice whispers in the dark. "You've arisen".

The floor beneath me begins to crack, shattering like glass under me. With no fear holding me back, I plummet into void, slowly seeing the pale island of the End in the distance.


Author's Notes:

I was listening to the radio while writing this chapter and heatwaves came on. That's it. Anyways, have a luminous day. 

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