Chapter Twenty Two: Deal

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"Wilbur! Nix isn't feeling good!" The young blond tugged on his older brother's shirt, trying to get his attention.

He turned his face away from the book he was reading and set it down on the table before him, giving his full focus to the boy.

"Oh dear, where is she?" The brunette asked softly.

"Over at the infirmary!" His sibling responded, and in return was picked up by Wilbur, who brought the small child along with him.

They arrived at the infirmary, a nurse greeting them at the door. The eldest of the two scanned the small building, eyes landing on a small heap bundled on top of a bed. Tiptoeing closer, he handed his little brother away to the nurse nearby, who scooped him up and brought him outside.

"Nix?" He asked, delicately sitting on the edge of the bed.

The heap stirred, and a small head of ginger curls peaked out from underneath the blanket.

"Tommy said you weren't feeling well, what's wrong?" He bent over, trying to find the little one's face.

"I had a nightmare" The small voice said shakily, still avoiding her brother's gaze.

"Want to talk about it?" He reached out, patting her head.

There was a second of quiet, before the child launched herself out of the bundle, and into her older brother's arms. He was caught off guard, but still held her close as she shook in his arms.

"There were people watching me," The child cried, hyperventilating as she curled herself into the boy's chest. "They were whispering things, and it was so hot, I felt like I was burning"

"It's alright, it was just a nightmare. There's no one here but me and you" Wilbur pet her head reassuringly.

The child continued to cry, very shaken up by the experience. Her brother understood just how terrifying dreams could be, having a few recurring ones himself. He shivered as he remembered the sword plunging through his chest, and the man he thought he could trust on the other side.

"You know what always helps me when I have a bad dream?" The older sibling tucked a piece of hair behind the other's ear.

"W-What?" She looked up, small tears still rolling down her cheeks.

"Singing a song" He smiled, turning the child to face him.

"A song?" The child whispered quietly, contemplating the idea.

"Yes, let me think of one...ah! There's a very pretty lullaby that reminds me of you" He lightly tapped her nose, and the girl giggled.

"The song starts off like this....Lullaby, moon so high," He sang sweetly, and then waited for his sister to repeat it.

"Lullaby, moon so high," She echoed, her eyes wide in excitement.

"Lullaby, sleeping child," The brunette lifted her off of the bed, and brought her to a nearby window.

"Lullaby, fire's eye" He continued, looking up to the moon, bright in the night sky.

"Lullaby, flame so wild,"

Her focus changed from her brother's eyes to the moon shining outside, entrancing her with its beauty.

"Little spark, little ember, turn from fire to dust"

"Will you keep burning brightly when we lose our trust?"



Gasping awake, I sat up quickly, then instantly regretted it, the blood rushing to my head.

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