Chapter Twenty One: Stress

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Dinner with Alyssa and Callahan was surprisingly pleasant and comfortable, and the mushroom stew offered a warmth of home that I had been missing for a while. The blonde woman was great at small talk and my conversation with her was simple yet entertaining. Callahan stayed silent throughout the meal, although he offered some enthusiastic head nodding when I passed him a piece of bread across the table. But then, there was Dream.....

He copied Callahan, in the way that he was silent while he consumed his food. The only difference was that Dream's eyes stayed on me the entire time, quietly listening to our conversation.

"So Nix, do you have any plans for living here? Anything we can help you with?" Alyssa asked, dragging my eyes away from the staring contest Dream and I appeared to be happening.

"I haven't really thought about it yet, but I'm sure that I would like to pick up some kind of weaponry skills. There's a no violence policy in L'Manberg, or atleast, there was...." I trail off, looking away to recollect my thoughts before I spiral into an emotional mess.

"Either way, It would nice to be able to defend myself"

Dream sighed and leaned back into his chair, crossing his arms. It wasn't a huge movement, but I noticed.

"We have some excellent warriors here, I'm sure someone is willing to teach you. I wish I could help myself, but I'm lacking in that category as well. What I can do is help you find someone to teach you" Alyssa offered kindly.

"That would be lovely, thank you. The only other thing I'm thinking about is my fever situation. Wilbur mentioned it could be from stress, and I-"

"Wilbur knows?" Dream interrupted me, sitting forward.

"Yeah...thanks for interrupting me" I narrowed my eyes, wondering what Dream's angle was.

"Interesting..." Dream mused, then noticed we were all staring at him, and waved his hand telling me to continue.

"Anyways, I agree that it's probably from stress, since I only get fevers when I'm in intense situations, or when I'm feeling incredibly uneasy"

Alyssa hummed in thought, and Callahan just shrugged in silence.

"Maybe we can test this theory," Dream said quietly from the other end of the table.

I tilted my head in thought, more confused about why Dream cares at all than at his suggestion.

"Fine, I'll bite. What do you mean?" crossing my legs, I scooch forward in curiosity.

"Maybe, we put you in a slightly stressful situation, and see how you react" Dream treaded lightly, dancing around the fact that this could do more harm than good.

"Right, and what happens when I pass out again from a fever?"

"Then your question is answered" Dream replied nonchalantly.

Of course Dream would suggest this without any care or concern for my safety.

"Awesome. I'll be unconscious, and it won't matter what causes them anymore" I responded sarcastically.

"I know this sounds bad, but maybe he's right? Not much can be done until we know why this is happening for sure. Besides, I trust Dream. He won't let anything bad happen to you" Alyssa glanced at me, playing with her fork.

I wasn't so sure about that. Especially after I look at Dream, and the way he's leaning forward, awaiting my response. I'm sure he'd love to watch me suffer.

"I guess we could try it," I sigh.

"Only if you feel comfortable" Alyssa patted my arm in reassurance.

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