Chapter Eight: Revolution and Resolution

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Time stood still as Tommy fell backwards into the water, his face of shock creating a feeling of terror inside of me.

Hearing the cheer's from the dream team made my blood boil, and I could feel the flickers of a flame growing in my chest, just like the night I had a fever. The fire began to coat my arms, causing me to get even more upset. No, you need to focus on getting Tommy help, I thought to myself, forcing the feeling of heat back down into a flicker.

I sprinted down to the water's edge, Tubbo keeping up with me as we stumbled into the ice cold river.

Maybe I was wrong earlier. Maybe the sun wasn't setting into a peaceful night, but instead a dark day.

"Tommy!" Tubbo shouted, gripping onto Tommy's un-injured shoulder and pulling him out of the water. I helped by lifting his legs and we successfully laid him out onto the grass.

Fundy joined in trying to stop the blood while Wilbur told a L'Manbergian to get the nearest medic and some golden apples.

"Tommy, I need you to stay awake" I pleaded, my voice shaking with fear for him.

Tommy muttered something under his breath, and his head lolled to one side.

"Everyone get out of the way, the medics are going to bring him back to the infirmary" Wilbur announced, his voice a little unhinged. He threaded his fingers through his hair and shook it, one of his few habits. I could tell he was just as scared as I, we couldn't lose Tommy, and Tubbo would never be the same.

A couple medics rushed over, a stretcher visible in their hands. They lifted Tommy up, making Tommy grumble in protest. They headed back to L'Manberg, and we turned to face the dream team in defeat.

"So, it has been settled," Dream declared, walking towards us. "Now, I'm expecting Mellohi to be given to me, and as soon as it is, we will cease fire, and L'Manberg will no longer exist"

Wilbur looked defeated as he nodded in agreement, and turned away from Dream to face us.

"No. This can't be it" I shook my head.

"Nix, that was the agreement" Wilbur responded, softly pushing me away from Dream.

"He lost, that's it. End of story. Although I would've appreciated it if he was here to give me Mellohi right now" Dream sighed, waving his hand.

"Maybe he would be here if you didn't almost kill him" I snarled, heat radiating from my body.

"He shouldn't have tried to duel me in the first place" Dream shot back, taking a step forward.

"If you would just give us independence, he wouldn't have had to duel you!" I retorted, moving closer.

I hadn't noticed that everyone around us had gone silent, entranced by our argument. Even Wilbur was quiet as he watched.

"If you had just surrendered when you were given the chance none of this would've happened" Dream threw up his hands in annoyance, taking another step towards me.

"Why do you care so much about one little village?" I argued back, the flames expanding from my chest and moving along my arms, invisible to the eyes.

"Is it because you're egotistical?" I kept moving forward, but Dream had stopped. "Oh wait no, it's because you're power hungry"

Dream stood, clenching and unclenching his fists.

"You can't let anyone else have even an inch of power" I laughed dryly, "Are you that insecure?"

I knew I was pushing it, but I wanted to test the limits, just see how far I could go before he tried to kill me.

"Everyone always says to be scared of the great and powerful Dream, but I haven't seen you do anything great and powerful yet" I taunted.

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