23. LA meets London

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"So, how have you been."

We sat down at a small table outside of a cute café. I took the menu in my hands, hiding my face from Jaden. I didn't feel like talking to him at all. I still can't believe he came all the way from the states to stalk me.

"I've been terrific. My career is going better than ever. I'm thriving. Also, really glad I'm not stuck with you anymore." I scoffed behind my menu.

"Could you at least try to be nice to me, April?" Jaden lowered my menu.

"Oh, I've tried. Just not possible." I responded. I looked at the food options but I wasn't really hungry. I felt sick by the presence of Jaden.

Jaden scoffed. "Way to be mature, April." He snatched the menu out of my hands.

"Jaden, what do you even want to talk about. We ended it. Or well, you did. You know, bye cheating on me." I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I know, and I'm so sorry. April, I didn't know what I was thinking. I shouldn't have let you go!" Tears filled his eyes. I almost believed it.

"You should've thought about that before, Jaden. You can't do anything about it anymore. I'm over it, and over you." I unlocked my phone. We were only sitting here for five minutes but I wanted to go home so badly.

"Can't we at least be friends. I miss you." Jaden put his hand on mine. It scared me.

"I miss your presence, your advice, your jokes, your beautiful face. I can't let a person like you go." He squeezed my hand.

"And yet you did." I took my hand back. It's exhausting just talking to the guy. He brings back all the bad memories from that night. The night I walked in on him and my former best friend, Amber.

"Then why are you texting me back? You definitely still have feelings for me." Jaden scoffed.

I have been texting him. But only because he was spamming me every day, so I thought if I'd make a few short conversations he would leave. But he didn't.

"I honestly have no idea." I slammed my hand at my forehead.

"I'm just stupid for even talking to you!" I scoffed.

"Then why are you talking to me, you bitch."

"Don't take that tone with me!" I slammed my fist on the table. Water splashed out of our glasses.

"Sorry." Jaden put a fake smile on his ugly face, trying to be nice.

"I texted you back because I thought you would stop bothering me after I talked to you. But you didn't." I continued.

Jaden pouted. "That's why I came looking for you. You didn't respond to my messages anymore."

What a loser. Can't even live without the girl HE cheated on.


Meanwhile, Tom unlocked his phone, checking the time. You told him you'd got back from LA around noon, and it was around 12.07 P.M. You would meet him back at your apartment, that would be easier for Tom. You were still moving in together but you had to leave to LA after he asked you, so you would get settled after you got back.

He wanted to get you some coffee before he headed to your apartment so he went to a small café to get you a latte macchiato, your favorite. When Tom walked inside he gulped. You were sitting by a small table in the corner of the café with some tall, ripped guy.



I turned around and my eyes met Toms. Crap. This looked really bad when you don't know who Jaden is.

"Tom, hey!" I quickly walked up to him and gave him a soft kiss. Tom didn't return the kiss.

"Who's that fella?" Tom whispered. His voice was tensed.

"Don't freak out please. But it's Jaden. Remember I told you about him?" My hands were shaky. I didn't want Tom to be mad, but he has all the rights to be.

"Your ex who cheated on you?" Tom raised his voice a little, not too loud as we were still standing in the restaurant.

"Yeah, he came looking for me. He said he wanted half an hour to talk to me and I'll be rid of him after that." I was holding my breath.

"I thought we agreed to meet at your place, not you going out with your toxic ex-boyfriend, April." Tom spoke tensed.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just wanted to get rid of him after him texting and calling me and now suddenly turning up here in London." I responded.

A silence.

"You've been texting him?"

"Yeah, but only because he kept bothering me. I thought once I texted him back a few times he would leave." I panicked. This didn't look good.

"Well, he didn't, did he?" Tom spoke tensed. His cheeks heated up as he saw that jerk grinning at you.

"No...But Tom, I never knew he would come all the way to London. I never asked him to!" I tried to defend myself. By the look on Toms face I could tell he was really upset, mad at the same time.

"Who's this?" Jaden came up to us. He put his hand aggressively on Toms shoulder. Tom flinched immediately and hit Jaden's hand of his shoulder.

"Jeez, April. Let's go, I don't want this violent guy near you." He took my hand and pulled me over to his side. I quickly let go of his hand, giving Jaden a disgusted look.

"April, you haven't told him about me, have you?" Tom asked, his eyes were pinned on Jaden. My heart was beating faster by the second, wishing Jaden never came looking for me.

"No, but Tom we have been sitting here for just fifteen minutes. We were just catching up a little." I tried to talk myself out of the shit I got myself in to. But I knew Tom, he wasn't going to buy that. "I wanted to tell him, it just hadn't came up yet." I took his hand but Tom brushed me off.

"Not even in your stupid little texts? You were catching up. That means telling someone how your life is going. I'm in your life, right? I mean, we're moving in together for fucks sake!"

"Wait, you're moving in with that snowflake? Look at him, he's almost crying. You can't be serious, April." Jaden scoffed. He was only making this situation worse. Tom's a sensitive person, but I always loved that about him.

"Jaden, get out of here." I sneered at him. Waving my hand to the door, a sign for him to leave. And finally, he did. It was just me and Tom now. The silence was painful. Only the murmuring of the people behind us was audible.


"I don't want to talk to you right now." Tom cut me off and walked out of the restaurant, catching peoples attention with slamming the door.

Tears filled my eyes, I really messed up.

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