15. In the morning

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*toms pov*

I woke up by a glass of water being splashed in my face. I jumped up from the couch. Harrison stood in front of me with the empty glass and a stupid grin on his face. "DUDE" I yelled at him. "Don't dude me. Why are you sleeping in the living room? Got a girl in there?" Haz laughed and he pointed at the door of my bedroom. "My bedroom was just too hot to sleep in last night, so I crashed on the couch." I said quickly. I'm not in the mood to tell Haz about April. I pushed Harrison aside and walked to the kitchen. "So, Haz, I saw you came home with a girl." I smirked as I grabbed two eggs out of the fridge. "What have you seen, mate?" Haz clearly didn't want me to know about this. "I was in the kitchen but the lights were off. All I've seen is you stumbling into our apartment with her and running off to your bedroom." I cracked the eggs and put them into the frying pan. "Where is she anyways?" I asked him. "She, uh, she sneaked out early in the morning." Haz grinned. "Real nice, Haz." I laughed.

"Good morning Tom." April walked into the living room only wearing underwear and my shirt that was way too big for her, but she looked amazing. I totally forgot about Haz being in the room too. "April?" He exclaimed. "Shit, Haz!" April squealed. She pulled the big shirt over her underwear but it didn't really work. "What are you doing here? Did you.." Haz turned his head to me. "No we didn't! It was really late so she stayed the night but I slept on the couch." I tried to explain. This is not how I wanted Haz to find out. "What was she doing here in the first place." Harrison teased. "We went on a date last night, Haz." April continued. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a shower." She walked away towards the bathroom. It was just me and Harrison now. "You went on a date again?" Harrison punched my arm and had a big smile on his face. I got more exited to tell him about April. "Yeah, mate. It was like the most perfect night ever. We had dinner on a yacht I rented and we went for an hour long drive after that. We got back at our apartment and it was kind of late so I asked her if she wanted to spend the night." I told Haz. "Wow mate, that sounds great!" Haz padded me on my shoulder. "We also kissed." I got a huge smile on my face just by the thought of that moment. "Dude!" Harrison hugged me. "Jeez, Haz. You're breaking my bones, calm down!" I laughed. "I'm just so happy for you man." Harrison let go of me. "Me too." I said and noticed I got all fuzzy inside. I've never felt like that in my life. What does this feeling mean? Am I falling for April? How can I not, she's perfect.

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