9. Breakfast with the boys

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"This is our stop." Harrison interrupted my thoughts. We got off the bus and I followed Harrison to a beautiful lunchroom. A boy with red-ish curly hair waved at Harrison and gave me a confused look. I got a little nervous with him staring at me. "Hey mate!" Harrison walked up to the boy. "Hey Haz, good to see you mate!" The boy replied. "Who is this appealing company you brought with you" He smiled at me. "Hey, I'm April. Nice to meet you!" I answered his smile. "Well, nice to meet you too, April. I'm Harry." He replied. "Take a seat!" Harrison moved a seat for me as a sign for me to sit down. "This place looks great!" I took everything in. Flowers everywhere. It felt like spring, even though it was November.

"What will you guys be having?" A nice boy appeared next to our table. "I'll have to check the menu first, I just got in." I gave him a smile. "No you don't. We'll be having an English breakfast." Harrison declared. "Good choice, sir." The waiter replied as he took our menus and walked away. "Hey, I wanted to take a look at the menu first!" I complained. "Some other time maybe. You said you are new in England so you have to try this English breakfast. It's awesome." Harrison responded. "Fine." I rolled my eyes. "Wow Haz, you really brought someone with an attitude to breakfast." Harry chuckled. "He did not!" I exclaimed as I hit his arm. "And she's violent! Haz take her away from me please." He laughed as he pinched my arm. "Ouch, you never hurt a lady, mister." I squealed.

"Harrison, I have to say, you were right. This is indeed an awesome breakfast." I said as I cleaned my mouth with a napkin. We have been eating and talking for two hours now. We seem to have a lot in common and they're really pleasant guys to chat with. "I know, I'm always right. Oh and by the way, you can call me Haz. All my friends call me that" Harrison smiled. I returned a smile. That's sweet of him, to call him my friend. I already feel very welcome. "So, April, do you have anything scheduled for today?" Harry asked. It was a Saturday so I had the day off. "No, not really. Why do you ask?" I answered. "Well, Haz and I are going to his house after breakfast and I was wondering if you wanted to come with us." That's really sweet of him to ask. First I thought breakfast would be awkward but it was actually so much fun. We never stopped talking. I felt really comfortable with the two of them. "Yeah, sure, sounds fun!" I replied. "Dude, you know you just invited someone to my house, not even yours." Harrison scoffed. "Yeah, but whatever I know you don't mind." Harry grinned. "Yeah, okay." Harrison got up from his chair. "I'm going inside to pay, be right back." He said as he walked inside. "So April, got your eyes on any cute British boys?" Harry smirked. "Jeez, Harry. Way to be subtle." I chuckled. "But no, no eyes on anyone." I continued. I'm not going to tell him about Tom. We're not even a thing. I don't even know if that dinner was a date or just a friendly occasion. So nobody needs to know anything.

"Let's go, I call shotgun." Harrison announced. "You call shotgun for a bus?" I teased. "No, you stupid. Harry got here by car." Harrison scoffed. My cheeks turned slightly red. "No need to be embarrassed sweetheart." Harry laughed. Did he just call me sweetheart? All these British boys are so cute, I can't take this. "Follow me." Harry said. Harrison and I followed Harry to his car. "Damn, you're rich!" I exclaimed. We stopped in front of a car that seemed quite expensive. Not that I have any knowledge when it comes to cars, but you could clearly see that this car was pretty fancy. "It's not really mine, it's my brothers. But he shares the car with me and my twin brother." Harry explained. "You have two other brothers?" I asked. "Three, actually. An older brother, a twin brother and one younger brother." He phrased. "Wow, that's a lot of testosterone to take for your mother." I joked. "She actually loves us a lot." He replied. I laughed. I love how we're getting along so well after just a few hours. I'm not that scared to live in London anymore. We all got in the fancy car and drove off to Harrisons house. Apparently he lives there with his best friend. If all his friends are this nice I'll probably get along with him, too.

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