8. Boy at the bus stop

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Sunlight streamed through my curtains. The drapes floated upwards due to the morning breeze. My eyes fluttered open. A smile on my face. Last night was one of the best nights I've had in a long time. After we got ice cream we walked through the city and talked the whole time. It felt like I've known him for years. I never had those kind of good talks with Jaden.

My phone buzzed. A text. A big smile showed up on my face. It was a text from Tom.

Good morning, April. I had a great time last night. Hopefully we could do it again sometimes. Tom.

Butterflies exploded in my stomach. I'm hardly a week in London and I'm already falling for a British guy. In my defense, British guys are way more lovable than boys from the States. They're just really charming.

What am I supposed to reply? Don't be too corny but not too breezy. My thumbs were twirling above my keyboard.

I had a great time too. Thank you again. I would love to do it again! Maybe somewhere next weekend?

Oh my god I just kind of asked him out. My heart was beating extremely hard. I threw my phone to the other side of my room an ran out of my bedroom. Let's make some breakfast to distract myself. As I opened my fridge I noticed it was completely empty. Crap, I forgot to run some errands. I have no food in my entire home. You know what, I'll just have breakfast at a cute bakery. I've got to explore my new city anyway. Why not do that over breakfast. I grabbed my coat and purse and went outside.

As I turned around the corner I spotted my bus. I walked towards the vehicle but it started driving. "Hello! Sir! I need to be on that bus!" I was running after the bus but I was too late. Shit. Now I have to wait for another fifteen minutes. "Bollocks. Now I'm too late for my appointment." I turned around as I locked eyes with a guy around my age. "Pardon me, I didn't mean to swear." The boy smiled at me. His dark blond hair fluttered with the frosty breeze. "That's okay." I smiled. "You're oddly calm for a person who just missed their bus." The boy looked confused. "Well, I'm only going for breakfast by myself. So I have nothing and no one waiting for me. Hence the calmness." I replied. "You don't sound British. If I may ask, where are you from?" The boy asked. "I'm from LA. I just moved here a couple of days ago." I replied. "You're new here? And you're going for breakfast by yourself. Now that's just sad." He chattered. Ouch. He offended me. "No, I didn't mean it like that." He said with regret in his voice. "What I meant was, it's not fun to have breakfast all by yourself. I'm meeting a friend for breakfast. If you want you can join me." He explained. 

What was he thinking. I'm not having breakfast with a stranger. "I don't even know you. So no thank you." I replied. "Well, what do you want to know?" He smiled. "Let's start with introducing yourself." I got inpatient. "I'm Harrison Osterfield. I'm 24 years old. I'm a model and an actor. I live in South London with my best friend." He smiled. That's better. He seemed kind. I could at least give him a change over breakfast. "Well, Harrison Osterfield. I might take you up on that offer to have breakfast with you." I grinned. "Really?" A big smile appeared on his face. "But first you have to tell me your name. I'm not having breakfast with a stranger." He chuckled. "Fine. I'm April Pearson. I'm 22 years old and I'm from Los Angeles. I'm a dancer and choreographer at the London Dance Academy. I live on Oxford Street by myself, but I'm thinking of getting a dog." I replied. "All right. Nice to meet you April." Harrison said as our bus arrived at our stop. "After you, April." Harrison smiled. I thanked him and we got on the bus. This is so not like me. Having breakfast with a guy I don't know. Just like I did yesterday, having dinner with Tom. I got butterflies in my stomach only by the thought of him. Damn it.

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