12. Second first date

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I was standing in front of my body length mirror. I slipped on a silk, burgundy cocktail dress. It fit my body figure perfectly. Not too much skin was showing but it was still a little provocative. I picked up my phone and took a picture of my outfit. I sent it to Riley with a smirky emoji.


I laughed. I was going to text back but she already called me. She probably wanted to know every single detail.

"Hey Riley!" I answered my phone. "Miss girl! Explain yourself!" She exclaimed. "Well, you know Tom Holland, right?" I chuckled. "No Freaking Way!" She squealed. "You have a date with Tom Holland?" She continued. It sounded like she was going to pass out. "Second date, actually. His little brother is in my dance class, that's how we met. And this morning when I went out for breakfast I made friends with two guys called Harrison and Harry. And it turned out Harrison is Toms best friend and Harry is his brother. So we went to Haz' house and I ran in to Tom again. And that's when he asked me out for tonight." I explained. "April, you're literally living the dream you know that? When is he picking you up?" She asked excited. Around seven. So in a few minutes." I replied. "Well, I'm not going to distract you from getting ready. Have fun and call me after. I want to know every detail!" Riley almost shouted in my ear. "I'll call you after, Ri." I smiled. "Promise?" She asked. "Promise." I hung up and put my phone on my nightstand. One more brush through my hair. I added some peachy lip gloss on my lips. I looked at myself. I was looking quite good.

A knock on the door. Nerves exploded in my stomach. I took a deep breath and walked towards my door. I opened the door and there he was. He looked gorgeously handsome. He was wearing a blue gray suit with a black dress shirt underneath. His brown curls fell on his forehead. His arm was behind his back. "Hey beautiful, these are for you." He smiled at me and handed me a beautiful bouquet of white roses. "Thank you, Tom. They're beautiful. How did you know they're my favorite?" I blushed. "Did a little research." He smirked. "Are you ready to go, darling?" He offered me his hand. I grabbed my purse and put my hand in his. Our hands fit perfectly in each other's. I locked my door and followed him to his car. I giggled. It was the same car Harry was driving this morning.

"We're here." Tom smiled at me as he pulled over. My eyes widened. We stopped in front of a yacht. "Tom, no way!" I exclaimed. "Way! We're having dinner on the yacht. I rented it for the evening." He looked deep into my eyes. "Oh my god!" I squealed. "You like it?" Tom chuckled. "I love it!" I replied. Tom took my hand and guided my to the yacht. It was huge. Candles were placed all over the boat which caused a very romantic scene. It was perfect.   

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