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"Fintan was what?" Umber ran up to Gisela and Faye as they were walking down the halls. Trix was trailing behind her.

"You know what happened to him." Gisela sighed.

"He's fine. Yeah. Definitely. He's back at this hideout." Umber yelled. "Do you know what he did to Faye? She's only a child!"

"Umber, we are too." Trix stepped in.

"No. We are at least four years older than her." Umber scowled. "You know what? if you think he's fine being here, then whatever. I don't." She walked off. Trix followed.

"What was that about?" Faye asked Gisela. Her mom shook her head. They walked up to Faye's bedroom door and Faye left Gisela to go inside.

Her room was colder than usual. Faye grabbed a blanket from her bed and wrapped it around her as she sat on her easel.

She looked over at the canvases with paint splatters covering paintings of flowers and jewels and dresses and oceans. She loved painting, but she was bad at it. Yeah, the art looked kinda realistic, but the shading and highlights were off and the proportions were inaccurate. Elves don't have legs that are shorter than there arms!'

She picked up her pencil and started sketching out lines of a dress. It had a halter-top-like neckline and was floor length (A/N: I'm not good at describing dresses ⬇ is the painting of it. Credits to Pinterest.)

Someone knocked on the door

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Someone knocked on the door. "It's Umber." A voice said from behind the door.

"Come in." Faye answered. She took her blanket off and covered the painting of the dress with it right as Umber opened the door.

"What's that?" She walked over to the blanket covering the easel.

"N-Nothing." Faye said. She walked over to the easel and tried to turn it around, but the blanket came off. "No. That's... It's..." she sighed. "I'm really bad at painting."

"No. Your awesome. My friend, Spark, is good at painting too, but not nearly this detailed. All the colors compliment each other." Umber said.


"W-why are we at the sanctuary?" Trix asked, shivering. "We just had to ditch our black Neverseen cloaks, didn't we. Why do we have to wear these thin purple and green capes. I DON'T EVEN LIKE PURPLE."

Umber rolled her eyes "We need to practice skills, so today I chose temperature regulation." 

"S-so c-c-cold." Faye mumbled. 

"I know, Faye. But We'll be okay. We won't die, well Trix might, but he's unimportant." Umber looked over at Trix and laughed when he rolled his eyes. "So, what we do is we focus on the little bits of heat, friction, or anything else warm on our body, and only focus on that." Umber instructed.

"Why can't we just use the cold and warm bathtubs at home?" Trix complained.

"If you get kidnapped by the Council or Black Swan or anyone, and they want to kill you, do you think they'll put you in a slightly cold bathtub to see how long you can stay in it? Though, I doubt you would be able to last very long in it anyway." Umber laughed at Trix's glare.  "And, those are for practice on holding your breath in different tempatures. But that's for people who are around 18. I'm only fifteen, Faye's almost 11, and your 14."

Trix rolled his eyes. He tried to focus on the heat, but the wind was too strong. It almost blew everyone over with a big gust. "Y'know, I can pull off looking like an 18-year-old... But... I bet Spark could do this easily."

"He's a charger. And, is he here?" Umber sighed. "No. He's on a mission in the forbid..." She remember Faye was there.

Standing quietly, Faye wasn't paying any attention to them. She was snapping her fingers, trying to create enough friction to focus on. "Does Flasher light make heat?" She asked.

"Only super powerful Flashers. Luzia Vacker isn't really with the Neverseen, but she can do that. She could also create really powerful illusions with a shade..." Umber trailed off, regret filling her eyes.

 "Oh." Was all Faye could say.


Once Faye got back to her room, she pulled the blanket of the easel and wrapped it around her. She picked up a paintbrush and began painting more highlights and details to the person in the purple-blue dress. Maybe she could wear that dress sometime.

Faye looked out her window. The glass was sealed with metal bars so she couldn't escape. But why would she want to escape?

The sky was a beautiful purple-pink above the trees. Faye sighed and went back over to the canvas with the dress. She put the blanket back over it, but then took it off. Was she actually 'okay' at painting? She couldn't see anyone else her age's paintings, so she didn't know if she really did have art skills.

She laid the blanket on her bed and sat down on it. Her mind drifted to the mysterious Spark. Who was he? Why was Umber so secretive about him? What was Umber talking about when she said Spark was on a mission in the forbid... Forbid... what? Forbidden? Did Faye mishear Umber? Did Umber say 'Forebode'? If she did, then what would there be a warning about? Fintan, maybe?

Fintan. Fintan. She hated him now. Why is he back here? Working at the same office where he threatened to kill her. Why did he want to see her face so badly? What would it accomplish? He doesn't... couldn't know that Keefe's her twin brother. Does he even know about Keefe?

Faye's mind drifted to another question. What did Gisela mean when Faye was five when she said "I thought I had the washers take care of that" when Faye remembered Fintan. Did she remember through a trigger? Or... Did the washer not have an effect on her?

A/N: 993 words.... I didn't really know what to make for this chapter, so it's kinda a filler, but it has some important clues to things in the following chapters 😊.

Thank's for reading!

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