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The lights.
Blinding Faye.

Gisela had Gethen do a special telepathic procedure to remove/bury Faye's ability.

If it was even called and ability.

Faye sat there. Waiting.

She couldn't cover her eyes. She just had to sit there. Sit there in the blinding brightness.

There was white all around her. She was wearing a loose white dress that went past her heels. There was a white hood on her head. Her hands gripped the white chair.

Gethen was wearing a white cloak with a gray eye on the sleeve. When did the Neverseen get white cloaks?

Faye could barely make out Gethens Face in all the brightness. His hands were on his temples. He was smiling a hypnotized smile.

Faye's mind was fuzzy. She felt something in it, but couldn't focus on the intruder.

A piercing pain came from her head. She wanted to scream. Wanted to kick and thrash. But she knew that it would only make the pain worse. Make the pain last longer.

Faye stared at Gethen furiously. She never asked for this. It wasn't her fault.

She couldn't get what Gisela said out of her mind. Faye was unwanted.


Gethen took a step back, hands falling to his sides. He walked around Faye a couple times before leaving through an invisible door.

Why did he leave her?

Suddenly, the lights started sinking in. Literally.

She looked down at her hands. Flashes of lights were pulsing through them. There were flashes coming from everywhere under her dress.

Her skin was lighting up.

Her hands were bound down. Her legs were too.

Her headache was getting worse.

Faye couldn't breathe. Couldn't think.

The blinding lights got brighter. She couldn't see her hands. Everything was white.

How old was she? What was her name? No. Only bright lights. Sinking into her brain. Becoming part of her.

She wanted to scream in defeat, but her mouth wouldn't move.

What was happening?

Suddenly, everything went black. A door opened, and she heard Gisela's voice.

"Are you okay? What did they do to you?"

Faye could see now. Gisela was standing in front of her, wearing a worried expression.

"I... I think Im okay. I had a really bad headache and then I couldn't see and the light was going into my body and..." Faye said. She hugged her mother and began to cry.

Gisela seemed surprised, having never seen Keefe do this, she didn't know what to do. She pulled Faye's hood back over her head and walked her daughter through twisting hallways back to her room.

"Try to say the word. See if you still have the word in the back of your mind." Gisela said and sat down on Faye's bed.

Faye tried. She searched her mind for the feeling. The word.


She tried to get angry about everything Gisela has told her. She's unwanted.


Found but Lost (A KotLC Glimmer Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now