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"Mom! Mom! Look what I made!" Faye squealed as Gisela came in. She held up a picture of Gisela giving Faye a hug in detail exceeding that of a five year old. Faye was good at art, just like her brother. Not that she knew about Keefe. She lived in this closet her whole life.

"Amazing, Faye." Gisela said. Something was on her mind. Something that would change the future of Faye's life.

Faye knew her mom was hiding something. "What, mom?" Worry tightened Gisela's face. "We're going to go somewhere."


"How do you know about Fintan? That one time he came over and saw you? I thought I had the washers deal with that." Gisela shook her head. "Nevermind. But yes. We are going to see Fintan. And a lot of new people."

Faye got up from the pillow she was sitting on. She dropped her crayons. "I wanna see Fintan!! I wanna see the fire!! I wanna see the new people!!" A frown appeared on Faye's face. "What about Dad? Will I see him?"

Gisela shook her head. "I told you. Your dad is... Your never going to meet him." she held up a hand to stop Faye from saying any more.

Gisela pulled out a black cloak with an eye on the sleeve.

"Can I wear that dress?" Faye asked.

"Oh yes. It's just for you! Nobody else can fit into it. But you have to wear it when you see Fintan. And don't show him your face." Gisela smiled and helped Faye pull the cloak on over her clothes.

"Why can't he see me?"

"Because. Come on Faye. Time to see your new home." Gisela held a black crystal to the window. She grabbed Faye's hand and walked into the light."


"Faye, keep your hood up. I know it can be itchy sometimes." Gisela whispered.

"But why is your hood down?"

"I'm allowed to have it down."

"Why am I not allowed?"

Gisela ignored Faye's last question and yelled to someone "You can hold your breath longer than that! Who knows, you may need to sometime!"

"Who's that?" Faye asked.

"Alvar. He's a Vanisher." Gisela looked down at Faye and pulled her hood back over her wavy blonde hair.

"Oh, Gisela. I have some more info on The Girl. She's about three years old now." Alvar said.

"Perfect. I'm sorry, but I'm busy right now. Please tell me more later." Gisela waved him away.

They reached a metal door. Gisela explained that the walls in this room are fireproof and filled with Frizzyn (A/N: I'm too lazy to see if that's how you actually spell it). Gisela knocked in the door in a practiced pattern. It opened.

"Ahh. Faye. Welcome!" A tall blonde male said. His ears were so pointy Faye thought she would cut herself if she touched them.

Faye was all of a sudden shy. Hiding behind her mother, she forced out "Hello."

"Don't be afraid Faye. This is your new home." Gisela pushed her daughter closer to Fintan.


"You'll be fine, honey." Gisela responded and pulled Faye's hood back over her head. "It's way better than that closet."

"But.. but all my pictures are back there! And my bed!"

Fintan was the one to answer this time. "You'll actually have a bed here." He glared at Gisela. "And you can make more pictures."

Faye rolled her eyes. "Where do I sleep?"

Fintan asked her to follow him.

They walked down dim hallway with orange pictures of Fintan and Gisela and other people Faye didn't know.

At the end, they turned left and Fintan opened the third door on the left.

The walls were pink and purple and blue watercolor. There was a big canopied bed covered in rose petals. The carpet was softer than Faye's softest blanket. Little hanging stars dangled from the canopy on the bed. There was a toy box in the corner filled with dolls and stuffed animals.

"IS THIS MY ROOM?" Faye squealed. She had never seen anything this big and beautiful in her life. All the pinks and purples and blues and the hints of red and yellow from the rose petals.

"Yes. You will live here. And since you ado not have an ability yet, then we can only focus on your skills... But even then you may not be strong enough to do them due to your age... But we'll figure it out."

Faye noticed a unicorn stuffed animal on the bed. She ran over and picked it up. "I'm gonna name you Flower!"

Gisela came into the room. "You like your new room?" Faye nodded. "I can't be here all the time. I still have to help Ke- I mean keep Candleshade... Clean and stuff."

To Gisela, it was harder lying to a 5-year-old than to her husband.

Gisela and Fintan began conversing so quietly, Faye could only hear bits and pieces.

"Keefe's fine."

"The Lodestar..."

"How about Vespera?"

"What did Alvar say about..."

"Who's Keefe?" Faye asked.

"He's... Someone else who works with us..."

Faye thought that was a good enough answer.

A/N: there's that. Have you figured out who Faye is?

I also kinda forgot Fintan is in Exile.... So I'll just make it where he goes in later...


Found but Lost (A KotLC Glimmer Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz