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I had no clue what to call this chapter...

"Did you hear the news?" Umber whispered to Faye at breakfast. "Fintan escaped from Lumenaria."

Faye rolled her eyes. "Him?" She took a bite of her lopsided pancake. Ever since Gisela discovered the human thing, they had it for breakfast almost every day.

"I know. But... We're at Slowhorn now, and I heard he really doesn't like this hideout." Umber smiled.

"Good." Faye took another bite. "Should we begin skill practice?"

Umber shook her head. "We're off today. Gisela told me, so we can 'celebrate'." Umber took a bite of her pancake. "I also have an update on Sophie Foster and her friends. Keefe's back to them, and, their leader, someone who goes by 'Mr. Forkle' is dead."

"How'd he die?"

"Gethen stabbed him in the stomach. Also, Keefe stole the phony caches."

"He actually fell for it?"

"He's stupider than he seems... And he seems really stupid." Umber laughed.

Keefe was Faye's twin brother, and she realized she was sent to Slowhorn because Keefe was going to the other hideout. But Keefe was with the Black Swan people... So why was he with the Neverseen? 

Umber didn't know Keefe was her brother, so Faye played along. "Oh, yes. Real stupid..."

"What do you want to do today?" Umber asked. She took another bite of her pancake.

Faye shrugged. "I think maybe we should still try to practice our abilities. Lady Gisela said that we'll need them for a project happening in a year or so with Keefe."

"Why does she care so much about Keefe?" Umber rolled her eyes. "But good idea. It won't hurt to get stronger." She waved her hand in the air and goo came out of her black fingernails and floated around the room. "How much have you been practicing control?"

"A lot, actually. There's this girl named Annalise, and she's an empath, but she said her mom was a flasher, so she knew some things about controlling it."


Faye sat down on her bed after dinner. She grabbed her easel and put a new canvas on it. A picture started forming on the canvas.

A knock sounded in a practiced pattern and Umber came in.


"Hi." Faye said.

"What are you painting?" Umber asked.

"An ocean. Full of fish and Eckodons. Ooh and selkies!" Faye painted little selkies swimming up towards the surface.

Umber smiled. "What about murcats?"

"Oh yeah!" Faye painted two murcats chasing each other, then yawned. "You know what? I'm getting kinda tired." 

Umber nodded. "Me too." She stood up to leave. "See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

A/N: Sorry that's a short chapter. Writers block is kicking in. Again. 

Word Count: 451
Way less than I would like.

Well, thank you for reading!

Timeline-wise, the next chapter will take place during Nightfall.

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