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Faye had gotten to know Tam a little more by coaxing him to talk to her. She had learned that he was trying to get out just as much as she was.

"So..." Faye started, leaning against Tam's doorway. "This is it. One more thing and then you're out of here." And hopefully her, too.

He let out a laugh like the one he did two weeks ago: Cold and hollow. "One more thing."

"What else am I supposed to call it?" Faye countered. How about "Terrible transformation that's going to happen to my twin brother"? She could tell Tam had the same opinion about it as she did - minus the "Twin brother" part.

"Wow, you really are always gloomy, aren't you?" She asked him. It was true. He had only said maybe twenty words to her, and none of them were positive... except for when he thanked her for getting him breakfast the previous day. "I thought you'd at least be relieved that it's almost over." For both of them.

Tam just shook his head. Faye tried to decipher what he was thinking. Did he really think that she was working with Lady Gisela? Could she really get him to trust her? "You really think she's going to let me go after I 'do the thing' or whatever you want to call it."

Maybe. Faye knew her mother... Or at least she thought she did. There was always a flaw in her plan. There had to be one in this.

She nodded without hesitation; he has to trust her. "You guys have a deal. Once you hold up your end, she'll hold up hers."

"Wow, you really believe that, don't you?" Tam asked.

"Of course. It's only fair." As if Lady Gisela was fair. Trying to kill her only daughter as a child was definitely fair.

"Fair," Tam scoffed. Faye knew what he was thinking, and she thought the same thing. There's nothing fair about this situation.

They stayed where they were for a moment in silence before Tam said, "Okay, tell me this, then." He stood up from his bed and stalked closer to Faye. "If I'm right - if Lady Gisela goes back on her word - would you do anything about it?"

"What do you mean?" Faye asked.

"I mean" - he showed her his wrists - the bond that she had put on him lighting up his face. "You're the one with the power to set me free. And you think our deal is fair. So if I hold up my end - and Lady Gisela doesn't hold up hers - would you step in and let me go?"

Faye's first instinct was to say yes, but she couldn't lie to him any more. "I..." What would she say? What would happen if she said no? What... "I don't know."

Tam snorted. "That's what I thought."

Great - One truth leads to a lie. "You're asking me if I'd betray—" my mother.

"Someone who would've just betrayed me," Tam finished before she could blurt out the words. "I'm asking if you'd betray a traitor to do the right thing."

He had a point. "I... I don't know," She repeated.

"Well, maybe you should figure that out," He pulled sleeved over his bonds and his hood went over his face.

Faye smiled sadly at him - the most she could do without revealing her plan, and left the room.

She had lied, though.

She would betray a traitor to do the right thing, he just had to learn that.

Found but Lost (A KotLC Glimmer Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now