The Ball (Part 2)

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There were a lot of elves squished into some abandoned human garden.

Too many.

Faye didn't really know what to do, having lived in a closet, and a hideout for her entire life. Umber didn't really know what to do either, especially after Faye made spill her secret.

Umber wasn't mad at Faye. She was too busy trying to avoid Trix. Which was kind of hard, because Trix was on one side of the garden, Faye was on the other, and people were packed everywhere in-between.

Faye saw Annalise holding a flower dreamily. Trix was just kind of standing there. Lady Gisela was nowhere to be seen.

It's not like Faye should see her here anyway. She was probably with Vespera and the rest of the old people drinking Fizzleberry wine or something.

Faye looked around and headed for Umber, who saw her coming and smiled.

"Don't say it. I know. I should be going over there and stuff, but I don't want to... That much." Umber blurted.

"Why?" Faye asked.

"Because... Ugh, I don't know." Umber sighed. "You know what? I'll go."

Faye smirked and nodded. Umber started walking and then turned around, shaking her head. She stood there for a second, then turned back around and walked over to Trix.

Umber POV

"-I mean, why did Gisela throw a ball for literally everyone in the Neverseen, but then just hang out with Ancients?" Umber asked Trix. He looked up from his shoes and shrugged. Umber rolled her eyes.

"I don't know." Trix said. Umber frowned and sighed.

"You know what? I give up." Umber said, grabbing her glass of Lushberry juice off of a short stone wall. She began to walk away, but Trix reached for her hand. Her face heated up and she stopped walking.

"Give up on what?" Trix asked once he made sure she wasn't going to walk off. Which Umber wasn't. She had waited years for this to happen. She wasn't going to let her temper ruin it for her.

"Um... Nothing." Umber muttered.

"Please." Trix's face had a joking smile, but his eyes were all serious. But Umber didn't know how to get it across that she might like him, so she just sighed and shook her head.

"I give up on..." She started, trying to figure out how to put it nicely. "Us." She took a drink of Lushberry juice and walked away, tears threatening to show. What made it worse, Trix didn't make an effort to stop her.

Umber had been waiting years for a 'moment' to happen, but all he wanted to ask was what she was talking about. She regretted her decision immediately when she looked back and saw Trix walking away slowly, probably having no clue what happened. Umber didn't know either.

Faye POV

Umber walked past Faye towards the Women's restroom. Faye could see a tear dripping down her face, but knew Umber wanted to be alone.

Why did she have to bring up the Trix thing with Umber? If she didn't do that, then none of this drama would be happening.

Faye looked over and saw people running. She rolled her eyes and took a sip of her Lushberry juice. Then her mind registered what was happening.

People were running.

What were they running away from?

Faye stepped closer in the opposite direction the elves were running.


Of course most of the Neverseen were unprepared.

This was an abandoned human garden nobody should be able to get to. Without a leaping crystal, at least.

So... How would the ogres have gotten here?

Faye looked around and saw Umber walking out of the bathroom, her mascara reapplied and face tear-free. She started walking towards Faye, smiling, and maybe trying to say something, but Faye couldn't hear her over all the screaming.

Faye shook her head and pointed to the ogres.

Umber realized what was happening. She reached down in her heel and grabbed a small knife. It wouldn't do much against the thick skin of an ogre, but it's better than nothing.

Faye remembered that she hid a small knife ina hidden pocket on her dress. She reached for it. The blade was a little bigger than the pictures she'd seen of a human pocketknife, but probably (and hopefully) sharper. It had little blue stones the same color as her eyes set into the handle of it.

But they weren't just the color of her eyes.

Try were the color of Keefe's.

She faintly heard Umber yelling to move. She barely saw the ogre coming at her. She was fixated on the ice blue stones.


He was her brother, probably working for the Black Swan.

And she was working against him.

Because of Lady Gisela. Her mother.

She snapped out of her faze when pain shot up from her arm. A tall, gray skinned ogre was right on top of her, so at some point she must have fallen down. She probably knew she fell down when it happened, she just couldn't remember anything about it.

Then she remembered Lady Gisela gave the ogres a gadget that erases recent memories. It doesn't erase the pain though, because her head was throbbing from hitting a branch on the shrub she landed on.

She realized she still had the knife in her hand and tried to hit the ogre with it. Her vision was still blurry from... Maybe her head hitting the branch? Just the pain from her arm itself? She couldn't focus.

The ogre grabbed the blade of the knife with his fingers and smiled, snapping the little knife in half. Faye tried to call out for help, but she couldn't think clearly enough to. Suddenly, she saw a shadow forming on top of the ogre's head. As it shaped together more, she realized it was a word. Focus. Immediately after that, the shadows dived into the ogres ears and eyes and mouth.

Faye realized what she had to do.

Using all of her strength, she lifted her uninjured arm and pushed the light out of her body. It was easier than when she had just manifested, but still way harder than it was during ability practice a week ago.

Little strands of light weaved through the air until it reached the stunned ogre. He stood there, frozen. Eyes rolled back in his head -so probably unconscious- but somehow suspended. Probably heldup by Umber's shadowflux-y weirdness.

The light floating around the ogre quickly sucked into his eyes and ears. The little bits of Umber's shadows that were still outside the ogre mixed with the rest of the light and then disappeared in mid air.

Faye released her hold on the lights, whether Umber wanted her to or not, she couldn't hold it any longer. Her vision got burrier and dim. A sweet scent tickled her nose, and she slipped into darkness, giving up on fighting anymore.

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