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"Come on, Faye! What ability do you think you'll have??" 13-year-old Trix asked. He manifested as a guster week ago.

Umber elbowed him. "Nothing worse than your ability." Umber was about 14 and manifested as a shade a couple months ago.

"I don't know... I kinda wanna be a polygot, so I can be like my- So I can be like Lady Gisela." Faye was about 9 years old.

"Aren't you swearing fealty today? Or was that last week?" Trix wondered.

"Today! I'm super excited." Faye said. "And then I can go on missions with you guys! And then I can get to see more hideouts! And meet new people! And..."

"Chill," Fintan came up behind her. "Are you ready?"

Faye pulled her hood back over her head before turning around and nodding very enthusiastically.

"See you later, Faye!" Umber called.

"Have fun!" Trix yelled before complaining about Umber elbowing them again.

"They have no manners, do they?" Fintan asked. "I don't know why you can show your face to them and not me."

"I don't know. Lady Gisela told me not to."

Their footsteps slowed as Fintan opened a door to their right.

A lady with pointier ears than Fintan's was sitting in a large gray chair. Gisela was sitting next to her. Gisela smiled.

"Hello." The lady said. "I am Vespera."

Faye has met a couple people with ears as pointy as Fintan's, so it wasn't too weird, but she couldn't help remarking them (A/N: I don't know if that is correct grammar... Whatever...). "You have really pointy ears."

Gisela and Fintan laughed.

Another person came in. He was hiding behind his cloak so Faye couldn't see who he is.

"What have I told you, Brant? After the accident with Jolie, we can't risk anything else happening. I'm sorry, but you don't have permission to attend these meetings right now." Fintan said.

Brant sighed. "It was one time. Do you think I'm going to do it again? I joined this so I can be a part of something. Not to be left out because of what I am!" He walked out of the room.

"Who's Brant?" Faye asked.

"Irrelevant." Gisela shook her head.

"Are you ready to swear fealty?" Vespera asked. Faye nodded. "Excellent. Repeat after me: 'I swear I will do everything in my power to make the world exceed expectations. If the need arises, I will sacrifice myself. I will never go against the word of my leaders, and complete any task they require I do." (A/N: that was bad. I just kinda copied the process for Team Valiant and made the speech more dramatic. Poor 8-year-old Faye.)

Faye repeated it, hesitating at the part where it asks her to scrifice herself if needed

"I would like to have a few words with her. Alone." Gisela said. She stood up and pulled Faye aside.

"What?" Faye asked.

"I need you to swear that you will never show your face to anyone except for me." Gisela said. Faye opened her mouth to object, but Gisela continued. "Punishable by Exile or... Death."

"You can't kill your own-" Faye yelled, but was cut off by Gisela.


Faye rolled her eyes. "Fine. I swear I will never show my face to anyone except you."

Gisela tilted Faye's chin upward. "That's a good girl." She pulled her daughter's hood over her head even more. "Has Fintan seen your face yet?" Faye shook her head. "Good. Dont let him see even your hair now. Dye it if necessary. I can't use the washers on him, so whatever happens, don't let him know who you are or that I am your mother.

Faye nodded.

Faye waved at Umber and Trix as she walked back to her room.

Trix ran over and asked her how she was. Faye just nodded.

He tried pat Faye's hood. She shrugged him off, looked down, and started walking faster.

Behind her, she heard helps of pain from Trix and Umber saying "You were just like this after you swore fealty. Let her be moody. I'll talk to her later."

Trix sighed.

Faye went digging through her drawers as soon as she got to her room. She found the black hair dye Trix gave her because he didn't want to get caught with it. He probably wanted to prank someone with it.

Faye sighed.
(A/N: ^ Trix sighed. Faye sighed...)

She took her Neverseen cloak off and changed into pajamas. Then she grabbed the bucket in her closet and opened went into the bathroom across the hall.

She filled the bucket up in the tub, then brought the bucket back into her room.

Faye poured some of the black hair dye powder into the bucket.

Pulling her wavy blonde hair out of the bun it was in, she dipped her hair in the black liquid.

She massaged it into her hair, making sure it covered every bit.

Her bedroom door opened. Not knowing what to do, Faye grabbed her cloak from off her bed and tried to put it on.

"Don't worry, Faye. It's just me" Gisela said. Faye took her cloak back off. "I see you are dying your hair. You know, your smart for an 8-year-old."

Faye smiled and dipped her hair back in the black goo. She saw her mother watching her intently from the corner of her eye. Faye grabbed a paintbrush off the easel in her room and began painting the roots of her hair black.

"Why do you want me to do this?" Faye asked as she dipped her hair in for another round.

"To protect you, Faye." Gisela smiled and kneeled down by the bucket. She grabbed the paintbrush out of Faye's hand and starting painting the parts of hair Faye missed.

Faye sighed. "I know that. But why? You have me swear fealty, but don't let them know who I am! What if I'm on a mission and my hood comes down? What if Fintan takes down my hood? You said punishable by death! You can't kill me!"

"Let your hair dry and go to bed. I'm sorry Faye, I can't answer that until your older." Gisela turned to leave when Faye whispered something unintelligible.

Her mother turned around. "What?"

Faye wrung her now black hair out with a towel. "I wanna be older now." She mumbled.

Gisela sat back down and put her hands on Faye's shoulders, forcing Faye to look her in the eyes. "I know you do, Faye. But you just can't. You'll understand why soon enough." She gave Faye a hug before leaving the room.

After Faye's black hair dried, she went back to the bathroom and dumped the water out in the sink. Faye tephen went back to room and went to her bed.

She pulled the blankets up over her head, squeezed Flower the Unicorn and fell asleep.

A/N: wow. Longest chapter I've ever written: 1200 words. I know that isn't that much but whatever.

See where this story is going?

I don't know Trix and Umber's age, so I just made them teenagers for now, so according to me, when they attack Sophie and Fitz in Flashback, Umber is about 21 then. Please tell me if this seems inaccurate!!

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