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Lorenzo Berkshire

I guide my hands along the side of the bong, ready to inhale the muggle weed. Just two more hits.

I put it to my mouth, and do what I always do..

My eyes still wince at the taste of it, but the familiarity of the smell was normal to me now. I had gotten used to it.

I had snuck out some muggle weed from Hogwarts before I left with Draco. Two bags. I was running out. Fucking imbeciles at this stupid manor, couldn't even sneak some to me.

"Shit," I muttered, the bong had fallen out of my hands and onto the rug below me. Who cares? It's not like anyone's watching when I'm up here.

The balcony was empty, and it was the only place in the manor where I wouldn't be caught smoking.

I let myself exhale and coughed. A little too much there.


I whipped my head around and smiled. "Mumsy."

Her expression was full of anxiety and stress, but her smile was happy all the same.

"What are you doing here, stuck up in your bedroom." She said, stepping over my duffel bag that had been placed randomly in the middle of the room . I can't remember how it got there.

I turned back to the sky and put the bong behind my back.

She scrunched her nose, "Muggle herb?"

I nodded, letting her roll her eyes and lean over the manors wall for a few seconds.

I watched the two strands of 'malfoy' hair reigned in the front of her hair and I opened my mouth to speak, but quickly shut it.

"I really am sorry, Lorenzo. I know your mother can be a real- bitch."

I smiled at her choice of wording, even at her own sister, "She really is."

She sighed , "Have you explained it all to Draco?"

No I hadn't.

Had he been constantly poking me about the fact?


Did I shrug it off and tell him to mind his own business?


I shook my head and she remained still.

"Hand me the bong."

"The bong?" I questioned, smirking at the fact that she knew what it was called. It was weird to think of her as someone more than just the innocent mumsy I knew.

She looked at me and smiled at me sweetly, "I was young once too."


Axel Black


I fucking hate Bellatrix.

I was about to snap at her, but remembered the circumstances quickly. "Yes?"

I could tell she heard the hint of annoyance in my voice , but she didn't want to waste her time. Not with me , anyways.

She put a hand on my shoulder and pushed me forward.

"Keep your eyes forward, sir." She teased , and I forced back the urge to roll my eyes at her.

"What do you want?" I asked, as I walked briskly to the front of the building, where a few death- eaters had taken a liking to the bread on the counter.

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