The Mark

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"For Merlin's sake, Mione, tell her or I"ll do it."

I covered my ears with the duvet on Ron's bed and kept my eyes closed.

"Fine, Ronald" A woman huffed and then the door to the room opened up quietly. I kept my face faced towards the opposite wall and waited for whoever it was to talk. "Aura?"

I turned around and peaked open my eyes.

Hermione Granger.

"Hermione," I quickly jumped off the bed and spotted Ron looking at both of us uneasily outside the door. I looked down at his bed and muttered a 'sorry', to which Ron just gently smiled.

Hermione's curls were all over the place, and her clothes had been torn down and covered with dirt. She wore a grieving expression and my heart left my body.


"What happened?" I could feel my voice start to shake and her eyes started to pool with water, "Where's Enzo? Harry? Everyone else, where the hell are they?"

She took a minute to collect herself and sat on the bed. I took that as a sign to join her.

She hiccuped, "Dumbledore is.. dead."

I knew that already. But it still pained to know that our headmaster was no longer.

She put her hand on mine, and I squeezed hers lightly.

"Harry is back at Hogwarts. He'll leave soon, I'm sure. And Lorenzo-"

She coughed and took her hands away from mine, wiping off the tears that were streaming down her face. "I can't- I can't,"

Her voice was muffled by her sleeve's fabric and I felt my stomach churning.

Ron walked in and closed the door, "Lorenzo was found with... Draco Malfoy."

I gulped.

"Who killed, Dumbledore."

I felt my knees shake.

"Where is he?" I asked, fretting the one answer that would make me tear to pieces.

Hermione sniffled, "I think," She hesitated, "we know, that Lorenzo was with Draco, Fenrir Grayback and Bellatrix Lestrange."

Bellatrix Lestrange?

"What the hell was he doing with them?" I asked and she shook her head,

"Before we could evacuate the building to get you, we met him at the end of the hall, staring us down like we were ghosts." Ron continued for her, "There was something on his arm. I think it was the dark-"

"Quiet, Ronald."

"It must've been!" He exclaimed and the tears that had been pushed away started to fall down. Slowly.

Hermione sighed, "Oh, I'm so sorry, Aura. I never thought that Lorenzo could be so cruel."

"Lorenzo wouldn't do that." I spoke up, and she looked at me questionably. "He must've been forced to do it- I- I know him, he wouldn't become a death-eater,"

She enlaced her hands with mine and squeezed them three times.

"Well, where is he now?"

Ron interrupted Hermione's cries, "Missing. Along with the rest of those nasty death-eaters."

I was shocked. I couldn't accept this.

I wouldn't.

The Enzo I knew would never ever evenimagine being a death-eater.

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