Just the Beginning

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Author's note:

I changed up the storyline for this fanfiction.

You'll understand later on.

Enjoy this chapter!

The start of it all ;

Just the beginning .....

Aurora Spade

"Your hands are so cold," I whispered to Lorenzo, as I played with his rings. I placed his hand up to one of the constellations in the sky and enlaced his fingers with mine.

I felt him turn his head to look at me and I smiled,

Dark, fluffy brown hair. That you can run your hands through gently and fall in love all over again.

Brown eyes, that seriously can make your whole existence question why you look at anything else.

That smug smirk, luring you into his lustful ideas and thoughts.

His deep chuckle, that made you want to stop time and watch him laugh over and over again until both of yours' lips were connected and time had actually... stopped.

Lorenzo Berkshire, the boy that somehow had all of these things, and was making me fall deeper in love..




"Why're you smiling?"

I turned my head to glance at him and laughed, "I can see you looking at me."

"To notice that, you had to have been watching me too."

I smirked and let him kiss my hand while ours were still grasped against each other. I listened to his soft breaths and sat up to center my head on his chest.

I counted his steady breaths . They brought me comfort .

I had somehow memorized his breathing patterns : I'm pretty sure I could pick out his breaths in a crowd of thousands .

He was shirtless, which after many long nights of doing very.... intimate things, I still had to stop myself from gaping at his chiseled figure. I ran my hand along his abs and smiled to myself.

I squeezed his hand before dropping it back down onto my thigh, "You think we should start heading back?"

He took a few seconds to think about it and I turned my head to stare at his face in the moonlight. He smiled and looked down into my eyes, "I think we have some time."

I dropped my head back onto his chest and continued to examine the sky. Beautiful at this time of night. Like him.

Tonight... there was something different.

The sky.. was cloudy... and dark.

Not like the color was dark, but the feeling.

"I love you. No matter what."

I smiled at his voice and watched him pick up my hand and pull it towards his lips to kiss it.

"I love you too, Berkshire."


Lorenzo Berkshire


I turned my head to capture a girl sprinting towards me.

Aura stared at me and then looked at the girls' hand.

Holding a note.

"This is for you, Lorenzo Berkshire?"

Do I wanna Know ;Lorenzo BerkshireWhere stories live. Discover now