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authors note: I recommend listening to runaway while reading this xx

Aurora Spade

"Anything from the trolley, dears? Pumpkin Pasty? Chocolate Frog? Cauldron Cake?"

I looked up from 'Pride and Prejudice' to see the Trolley Witch with her usual display of candies.

"I'll take a chocolate frog!" Hermione chimed in, closing her book to reach into her purse for sickles.

I looked around the cabin, and it seemed like only me and Hermione were still awake. Harry and Ron were completely knocked out from the long ride. They looked so peaceful sitting there, you would never think that they had been fighting minutes before.

Outside the window, the sky was crowded with clouds, making the lower atmosphere so foggy that you couldn't see more than half a mile. I took a deep gulp of the sweet air, my lungs filling with joy. We would be at Hogwarts very soon.

"Anything for you dear?" The trolley witch asked again.

"I'll have a cauldron cake." I smiled, giving her 4 sickles before putting my book down next to me.

"Oh, aren't you excited? I mean, this is our seventh year. What are you most excited for?" Hermione exclaimed, her excitement making her lose the page in her book.

I smiled at her and took a bite out of the cake, "For Ron to finally ask you out."

She frowned, "Don't-"

"Come on, Mione! I see the way you two look at each other, and it's more romantic than friendly."

"Aurora! I don't like him," Her cheeks flushed a bright red, due to Ron being right in front of us. She was one of my best friends, I could trust her with my deepest secrets, but honestly sometimes she confused me. I knew she loved Ron. It was so obvious. Me and Harry used to trick them into hanging out with another in our third year, that was before Hermione learned to start using her time turner to leave Ron hanging.

"It's true!" I laughed, taking another bite out of the cake.

"What are you really most excited for this year?" She asked, examining the wizard card she had gotten. "Another Dumbledore," She whispered, "I'll give this to harry," She tucked it away and stared me into the eyes, waiting for an answer.

I thought about it for a few moments.

"Oh I know," She interjected my train of thought, "Lorenzo Berkshire."

"I swear, Mione," I groaned. Hermione had always teased me for my relationship for Enzo. He was one of my best friends, just like Harry and Ron. "No, I think I'm excited to take all these new classes. And be able to poke around first years. You?"

"To learn how to apparate, of course." Her smile grew wider, "We'll be able to go anywhere, at any time we want."

I nodded, "That sounds lovely... except Dumbledore put those anti- apparition enchantments all around hogwarts. Onyx was telling me about a counter curse-"

I was cut off by a familiar tall boy, with wavy hair flopped a little past his eyes. He knocked on the cabin door, asking for an invitation and I nodded, letting him inside.

"Hey Enzo." I smiled, making space for him next to me. Hermione spared him a wave, as she was already back to only being interested in her book. He was still in muggle clothing, a worn out white shirt and jeans.

He sat down happily and picked up the book, examining its cover, "why don't you guys come sit with us? There's plenty of space- Pansy just left." He retorted, he hated her.

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