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Sophia, Charlie, Jan, and Bombay sat around a tv, watching their tapes to see what they could improve on. Jan was talking to Sophia and Charlie telling them some good strategies to use against the other teams. After Sophia and Jan went to help Luis with stopping. They set up some cans to see if he would stop in front of them.

"Luis, your speed is a great weapon. Now you must learn to harness it."

Sophia showed him a quick demonstration. She looked at him, "Now your turn."

He nodded and Jan blew his whistle. Luis went in a little circle then towards the cans. He tried but failed and went through the cans. Sophia looked at Jan, who scratched his head. They tried again but he failed again. Bombay then made the team crawl across the ice. Sophia skated around them.

"That's it. Dwayne, hustle. Move that big butt. Go!"

Everyone went to the gym and worked out. Sophia was on the treadmill, running while listening to music. She saw her dad hopping on Goldberg's treadmill and running with him. Sophia just hummed to her music while running. She would occasionally look over and see Charlie looking at her. She smiled at him and continued to run. After, Sophia went up to Adam, "How's your wrist?"

He looked at her, "It's fine. Why?"

"Well, it doesn't look fine to me, Banksie. You got to tell my dad."

"No, I can't or he'll bench me because of it and I wouldn't be able to play." he said, walking away.

Sophia sighed. It was the next day, everyone was shooting pucks at Goldberg. "Banks! Show me something, now! That's it! Good. good."

Sophia decided to pull her dad aside for a second to tell him about Adam. She knew Adam was going to hate her but she didn't care. She cared about his wrist not getting worse, "Hey, Dad."

"Hey, Fifi. What's up?"

"Um, I just wanted to tell you that you should look at Banksie's wrist. He keeps holding it and I'm worried about him."

Bombay looked at his daughter and nodded, "I'll watch him and then talk to him after."

Sophia smiled and skated away. After everyone was getting changed to go hang out at the dorms or around the city. They were just waiting for Adam.

"Hey, Banks, Let's go!" Portman shouted.

He walked out, "Comin. I'll be right there."

Sophia watched as her dad walked in. She went with Connie and Julie to explore the city. They got ice cream and looked around.

"So, Fifi, how's you and Charlie?" Julie asked.

Sophia rolled her eyes, playfully, "Let me ask you how Adam and you are doing. I saw what he said to Portman the other day. It was sweet."

She blushed and Sophia chuckled. "Oh, come on, Fifi. You don't see the way Charlie looks at you."

Sophia shook her head, "I don't because we're best friends and I don't think best friends date each other."

Julie and Connie sighed. The rest of the night went by quickly. They were doing practice the next day. Charlie went over to Sophia to tell her his idea. "Hey Fifi."

"Hey, Char."

"I got an idea. With Banks out, we could get Russ. You've seen his Knucklepuck."

She smiled, "That would be amazing. We could win against Iceland probably with his move."

"So, let's tell Coach after practice then and bring Russ with us."

Sophia nodded and skated towards the team. After Charlie and Sophia got dressed, they went to get Russ. He was playing street puck with his friends till he saw the two.

On the Ice {Charlie X OC}Where stories live. Discover now