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The window breaks. Sophia jumped and looked out the window of the van. Some kid hit their van with a puck. Their driver (I don't remember his name) backed up and her dad jumped out of the car. Sophia didn't feel like joining in the fun. She was still tired from yesterday's practice. She watched her dad chase the kid that was at the store yesterday. He was the one who wasn't allowed to play hockey. Sophia looked down at her book and continued reading. Then another window breaks. She jumped and looked at him and her dad. They walked to the car. Fulton sat next to Sophia.

"Soph, we are going to teach Fulton here, how to skate."

Sophia nodded. They picked up the rest of the team. They were going to the mall. They put on their rollerblades and helmets. They entered the mall and everyone started shouting and screaming at people. Sophia was laughing and helping Fulton. "Push, Fulton, push."

"Keep your knees bent." Sophia told him.

"Side to side, good! Follow us." her dad said.

Fulton accidently went down the steps. He started screaming and landed perfectly. He then accidentally pushed a woman into the fountain. Sophia went ahead and skated next to Guy and Charlie. She was having fun. She watched Goldberg stealing food from some guy and laughed. Charlie was having a little trouble and grabbed Sophia's hand. She smiled at him. They skated all through the mall till they got kicked out. They were going back to the rink because her dad has some good news. On their way there, Guy, Connie and Sophia talked.

"How did you learn to skate like that?" Connie asked.

"Yeah, how did you?" Guy asked.

She smiled, "I learned from Hans, he owns the hockey shop. We would go out onto the pond and skate and he taught me then I learned all my tricks myself."

"Woah, that's so cool. You should teach me." Connie said.

Guy looked at them, "I'm just going to stick with hockey."

They laughed. Once they got there, everyone sat down around a box. Sophia went over and sat next to Charlie and his mom. Her dad pulled out a jersey with a Duck on it. Everyone looked at him confused.

"The Ducks? We're the Ducks?" Jesse asked.

"Man, what brain-dead jerk came up with that name?" Peter asked.

Bombay looked at everyone. He looked sad that they didn't like his idea, "As a matter of fact, I did. But I didn't have a choice. We're being sponsored."

"By who? Donald and Daisy?" Averman said, laughing. Everyone laughed.

"Hey, you don't wanna be Ducks? You'd rather be District Five? Some stupid number?"

"Better than some stupid animal." Peter said.

Sophia was getting tired of him. He's always mean to her. Her dad started walking around the room, "I'll have you know, Peter, that the Duck is one of the most noble, agile and intelligent creatures of the animal kingdom."

"But they're wimpy." Connie said.

"They don't even have teeth." Guy added.

"Neither do hockey players." Sophia, Charlie and his mom chuckled, "Have you guys ever seen a flock of ducks flying in perfect formation? It's beautiful. Pretty awesome the way they all stick together. Ducks never say die. Ever seen a duck fight? No way. Why? Because the other animals are afraid. They know that if they mess with one duck, they gotta deal with the whole flock." he said, taking his coat off and showing them his jersey. Sophia smiled.

"Oh, man!" Averman said.

"I'm proud to be a duck. And I'd be proud to fly with any one of you. So how about it? Who's a Duck?"

On the Ice {Charlie X OC}Where stories live. Discover now