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They were now standing in the Dean's office. Sophia was checking out pictures on his wall. Charlie pointed one out, "Hey, check it out. He knows Wayne Newton." Sophia looked over his shoulder to look at. She then turned to look at the ant farm.

Kenny came behind him, "Charlie, man, this is not a good start to our year."

Charlie put his hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry, Kenny. These prepsters aren't gonna do anything to us." he walked over to Sophia and checked out the ant farm, "Check it out. Antsville"

"Look at 'em go. Whoa."

"You can learn a lot from ants." Dean said, making everyone jump a little, "These Brazilian fire ants can teach you a lot...about successful societal structure. Come here. You see there's one queen in there. The rest are dedicated worker ants. Everybody pulls their weight. Nobody complains. There's harmony and growth. Same here at Eden Hall. Only you are the workers, the backbone."

"And you're the queen?" Russ asked, earning snickers from the rest of the group.

After they talked to the Dean, everyone's first class was english. The teacher was really strict, "Every Monday you'll have a practice quiz, every Wednesday you'll have a real quiz, every Friday you'll have an exam, and anytime I feel like it...you'll have a surprise quiz or exam." Everyone looked at her like she was crazy. Sophia already knew she was going to hate that class. Her next class was history and she hoped it would be better than english. She was kinda wrong.

The teacher started walking around the room with a book and dwarf in his hands, "It's been said...that the present is to the past...like a dwarf...on the shoulders of a giant. If the dwarf holds his seat, he can, indeed, see further than the giant." Sophia looked at Charlie and he rolled his eyes. She smiled while the teacher was still talking. He was standing in front of Fulton's desk, "But beware if the dwarf should grow careless....and forget his place." The dwarf was on Fulton's desk and he slammed the book on it, "History is a giant. Get ready to ride."

The bell rang and Sophia got out of her seat, quickly. Her and Charlie were walking behind Fulton and Julie, "I can't believe this place. It's like crazyville."

"I know. These teachers are crazy. Like the English teacher with her test on the time."

She chuckled, "Yeah."

"I'll see you later. Okay, at lunch."

She nodded and he walked away. Sophia was walking through the halls and stopped when she saw Charlie talking to a girl with a clipboard. He was laughing nervously, "We're demanding the board change the demeaning Warrior name." The girl said.

Sophia just stood there watching, "Well, Warriors isn't so bad, is it? I mean, you got the Indians, the Braves, the Redskins, the Blackhawks."

"You're a jock, aren't you." she asked him.

"Yeah, I play hockey. In fact, I'm the captain of the new JV team."

"Forget about it. All you Warrior jocks stick together." she walked away and Sophia felt glad she did because she felt jealous watching this girl talking to Charlie. Sophia saw his face, frown, "But I'm not a Warrior, I'm a Duck."

Sophia felt bad but walked away before he could see her watching him. It was lunch and Sophia sat next to Connie and Juile and talked about what she saw earlier with Charlie and the girl, "It's okay, Fifi. I know how you feel. When girls flirt with Guy, I get jealous too." Connie said, trying to cheer her up. Guy looked at Connie, "They don't flirt with me, Con."

She ignored him and Sophia sighed, "I don't know. It's just weird for me to see him with another girl that isn't a duck but she didn't like how he's a "jock." she said using air quotes.

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