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It was the next day, Russ, Sophia, Julie and Kenny were in the varsity's locker room. They had a tank of liquid nitrogen, putting on everything. "I love this liquid nitrogen. I don't think it works." Russ said, knocking on one of their jackets, "Yeah, it's working. Hey, you think they're gonna miss...this big old tank in chemistry class?"

"What do you think?" Sophia asked.

They stopped in front of Adam's locker, "Hey, what about Banksie?"

Sophia looked at his locker. She didn't want to do it to him but they had to. "He's one of them now, isn't he?" Julie asked.

"Sad but true."

Sophia looked at them, "How about full pressure?" she asked, smiling.

"Sorry, cake-eater." Russ said and sprayed it over his stuff.

Sophia was walking to lunch when she heard her name being called. She turned around to see Charlie catching up to her, "Fifi, can we talk?"

She sighed, "Sure, what's up?"

"I'm sorry about the other day. I was being a jerk to everyone, especially to you and I don't want to ruin our friendship over that."

"I'm sorry too, for yelling at you. Can we be friends again?"

He smiled and put his arm around her shoulder, "Of course. Where were you, Russ, Julie, and Kenny, this morning?"

She smiled, "We sprayed liquid nitrogen all over the varsity's stuff."

He laughed, "Oh that's good."

They both laughed and walked to lunch. Sophia sat next to Charlie and they were laughing at stupid jokes Hans taught her. She was glad they both apologized to each other. Varsity walked up behind them and Riley put his hands on the back of both Charlie and Sophia's chairs.

"Check out the new jackets, guys." one of them said.

"Hey, congrats on the Blake game." Riley said.

Sophia rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right. We tied." Charlie told him.

"Hey, a point's a point. We're all Warriors now. You guys proved you guts. You all set for dinner Friday?"

Sophia looked at Charlie confused. "Dinner?" Russ asked.

"Well, it's an Eden Hall tradition. Varsity got to treat the freshman to dinner. So, round up your posse and meet us at 6:00 at the Minnesota Club, downtown." Charlie looked at Sophia, "Anybody need a ride, we can take you. I mean, you guys do like steak and seafood, right?"

Charlie looked at him, "Yeah, we do."

"Look, I don't like you pukes, all right? But this is a tradition. At Eden Hall, I learned to care about tradition." the blonde said and walked away.

Adam was still standing there. He looked at Sophia, "It's cool."

"Oh. it's cool." Russ said.

"Let's go. If Banks says it's cool."

"We might as well go." Sophia said.

It was the night of the dinner with varsity. Sophia put a nice simple blue dress on and put her hair in a bun.

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