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"Ladies and Gentlemen, team U.S.A. hockey." the crowd clapped, "And the man chosen to lead them to the gold, Gordon Bombay." Mr. Tibbles said, moving out of the way so Bombay could talk. A bear was running near them, "Bring the bear up here. This is Henry, the Hendrix bear. Guys, I want you to come in, get some shots with the bear." Mr. Tibbles told everyone.

They smiled and took a picture with the bear. Sophia was standing next to Charlie. She didn't like standing up in front of a lot of people but Charlie was comforting her. The bear left and Mr. Tibbles clapped his hands together, "Thanks a lot. Okay, we're gonna open it up to questions. Yes."

A woman in a blue suit stood up, "Team U.S.A., how does it feel competing on the international level here in Los Angeles?"


Goldberg cut Bombay off, "Feels good. Love it."

Bombay smiled. A lady behind Mr. Tibbles stood up, "Coach Bombay, the Vikings from Iceland are the heavy favorite. Their coach has already guaranteed victory. How are you gonna handle them?"

"Um...hard work. I think our team is ready to go up against the best in the world. We're not worried about 'em. Iceland may be tough, but, uh, we're Team U.S.A. and we're goin' all the way."

Everyone cheered and Mr. Tibbles gave him a thumbs up. "Yeah!"

"All right, Coach!" Charlie said.

Bombay nodded, "Thank you very much. Thank you, everybody."

Mr. Tibbles came up and shook his hand, "Real good. Did good."

Sophia high-fived Charlie and Adam. They started leaving the podium. "Team U.S.A. 's going down." A voice said. Everyone turned to see Team Iceland standing in the back, "That's where you're going. See you on the ice, Bombay!"

Reporters started muttering. Sophia gave Iceland a look. Bombay looked at Mr. Tibbles, "That's, uh, Stansson. Coach of the Iceland team. He's wound a little tight."

"Stansson from N.H.L.? Wolf "The Dentist" Stansson is coaching? You didn't tell me that."

"It's all right."

Sophia stood next to Charlie, Julie, and Kenny. "That guy's a dentist?"" Kenny asked.

"That was his nickname." Charlie told him.

"Played one year of pro, collected more teeth than goals." Sophia added.

They kept looking at him, "He even punched his coach."

"I heard they ran him out of the league and the country." Julie said.

They walked over to the team, "That's his team? Those guys are huge!"

"Does anyone want to go to the beach?" Sophia asked.

"Yeah!" They all cheered.

Everyone returned to their dorms and got ready for the beach. Sophia just wore a one piece and packed her book so she could do some beach reading. Sophia left her dorm to wait for the others. When she walked to the lobby and saw Charlie standing near the doors. He had his trunks on and a hockey shirt. Sophia smiled and walked over to him.

"Hey stranger."

He jumped and looked at her, "Geez, Fifi. Don't do that."

Sophia laughed, "Sorry, Char."

"It's fine. Why are you bringing your book? We should have fun."

Sophia playfully rolled her eyes, "Char, I can read if I want to. Beach reading is fun."

Charlie laughed and everyone else came down. They all walked to the beach. There was barely anyone. The Ducks looked at each other and smiled, running down to the water. Sophia laid her towel onto the sand and pulled her book out. She was about to open it before Charlie took it from her and put it back in the bag. He then picked her up and over his shoulders. He started running towards the water. Sophia started hitting his back, "Charlie Conway, put me down now."

They were in the water and Charlie smirked, "As you wish."

He then threw her into the cold water. They stayed there for a minute till they resurfaced. Charlie started laughing. The Ducks cheered at them. Sophia looked at the boy. She playfully splashed him, "Great, Conway. I'm soaking wet now."

Charlie conutined laughing, "Sorry, Fifi. These are fun times. No putting your nose in a book till we get back to the dorms."

Sophia smiled and splashed him again. They all join the two and splash each other. The Ducks  were out there for a long time and they started getting tired. After a while, everyone packed up their stuff and headed back to the dorms. Sophia took a shower and crawled into bed. She started reading her book while Connie and Julie were getting ready.

"So, how are you and Charlie?" Connie asked, sitting up in her bed.

Julie smiled, "Yeah, I see the way you two act around each other. You guys are so cute."

Sophia closed her book and looked at the two girls, "Nothing is happening between me and Char. We're just best friends. That's all."

Connie and Julie looked at each other and playfully rolled their eyes. Sophia chuckled. "Fifi, just think about it. He likes you and you like him."

"Jules, my dad and his mom were a thing. I can't date someone who's mother dated my father."

The two girls sighed and got into their beds. Sophia put her book and the nightstand and turned the light off. She laid there, thinking about Charlie. Do they act like more of a couple than best friends?

A/N: sorry for the short chapter just wanted to get this out of the way and try to give you guys some more Charlie and Sophia content

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