Z-11: Revenge

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Korea Testing Laboratory
June 18, 2020
8:27 PM

Mr. Lee Pov

Here I am standing in front of this building. It's been two months since I lost my job. After two months of planning and preparing, I finally had the new Project C and I changed it's name to "Project X." 

It's a disease that can torture him.

I looked at the front door and, as I predicted, there was a guard. Instead of using the front door, I used the back door. I pretended to be a delivery boy. They easily let me in because I had a permission note, which was actually a fake; I just made it.

I looked around first before riding the elevator. So I fixed my hat and face mask so my face couldn't be seen by the camera. The staff here are easy to fool. I just laughed at my thoughts. I arrived at the top floor. I was now walking towards his office when all of a sudden, his secretary tried to stop me.

"Who are you? How did you get here? " His secretary asked

"Mr. Lee." I said, as she furrowed her eyebrows. "Can't you remember me?" 

I show my face to her. She was supposed to call the guards when I stopped her and I injected her with something that made her sleep.

I entered Choi Minho's office. It was still the same. Nothing had changed. He was sitting on his throne while typing something on his PC. He didn't look at me. Maybe he thought I was his secretary.

I"s there something wrong? I didn't ask for your presence here." Minho said.

"Nothing is wrong," I replied, sitting on the couch with my arms and feet crossed.

"So why are you here?" He asked, still not looking at me.

"I want to see you." After I said that, he looked at me and got shocked. I walked towards him. "It's good to see you, Minho. You look great. "

"How did you get here?" He asked.

"I rode the elevator." I answered, "You really banned me here huh? You are unbelievable. I thought we were partners in crime".

"No, Soo Hyun, we never had that kind of relationship." he stated emphatically, "And if I were you, I'd leave this building right now or else."

"Or else what? Are you going to call your security to dangle me? Do you want me to get scared with that?" I asked as I  trace his silver title name at the table.

"Soo Hyun, why are you here?"

"You don't remember? It's just 2 months, you already forgot." I shake my head in disbelief.  "You guys are so stupid."

"Get out of here! Soohyun!" he raised his voice.

"Who are you to tell me what to do? You are just an idiot who is always fooling around."

"I already told you to get out, Soo Hyun. Don't make me call the security." he stood up.

"Ahh!! I'm scared!! " I pretended to be scared.

"So Hyun, get out!" He got his telephone to call the guards and I cut the wire.

"Such a poor idiot, it looks like it's just me and you."

"You crazy lunatic, get out of here!"

"Yeah, I'm crazy and lunatic," I say as I approach him and we are only a few inches apart. "Do you think I can let you off easily?".

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